"She was crawling near the feet of the dinosaurs": scientists found a snail 99 million years old


Myanmar is considered "Klondike" by paleontologists, because the next sensation was waiting for the scientific world in this region.

"Она ползала возле ног динозавров": ченые нашли улитку возрастом 99 млн лет

Scientists have discovered a 99 million year old snail embedded in the resin relic pine and easier in the amber drop. As the later analyzes show, only fossilized remains of relic animals remained: a snail crawling at the feet of dinosaurs, and now, after the rain, to the feet of modern gardeners. Paleontologists have been delighted with his discoveries, as there is now a relationship between the dimensions of living organisms and their mode of feeding in global cataclysms.

It is useful to recall the theory of "omnipresence of cockroaches", widespread in non-scientific circles. With the discovery of the snails that lived in the Cretaceous and have not changed, biologists have, according to the theory of evolution, considered how the current and current form of Cyclophoridae could persist for hundreds of millions of years in its form. earlier.

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