NASA Voyager 2 reaches the edge of the solar system at 11 BILLION miles


Voyager 2 left its mission 40 years ago to study the four giant planets of the solar system – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

And now, NASA thinks that the probe has reached the end of the heliosphere, the section of space bubbles that acts as a shield protecting planets from interstellar radiation.

If the craft has crossed this distance, it will become the second object created by man to penetrate into interstellar space.

The first was his twin Voyager 1, arrived in May 2012.

The team monitoring Voyager 2 thinks it has reached the periphery of the solar system after recording a 5% increase in cosmic rays, which are more common outside the heliosphere.

Ed Stone, Voyager project scientist, said, "We are seeing a shift in the environment around Voyager 2, no question.

"We will learn a lot in the months to come, but we still do not know when we will hit the heliopause.

"We are not there yet – it's something I can say with confidence."

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