Lindsey Graham taken aback by Chelsea Handler #NationalComingOutDay tweet


Sin. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Was not reassured after comedian Chelsea Handler tweeted #NationalComingOutDay to Graham on Thursday.

In a video clip posted by TMZ, Graham rejected Handler's comments and said that he "knows nothing about me".

"How are you, the guy from TMZ?" Graham said when he was approached by the point of sale, who then pressed him on Handler's tweet.

"It's a free country, say what you mean, I'm crazy," Graham said.

Graham also confessed that he had not thought much about Handler's comment.

"I do not think much about what she's saying at all, if she wants to live her life that way, it depends on her," Graham said, adding later: "As far as that account, I'm not gay. "

Graham's office did not provide any additional comment and returned the Washington Examiner Graham's comments in the video.

Handler has had to deal with violent reactions, critics describing his recent tweet as "homophobic".

"If you're wondering why the Republicans took a day off today, it's probably because it's #NationalComingOutDay. Looking at you @ LindseyGrahamSC, "Handler tweeted Thursday.

Handler suggested that Graham be gay in January in a vulgar tweet and faces reactions at the time for his comments.

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