Consuming dietary fat promotes COPD


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is expected to become the third leading cause of death in the world by 2030. Acute COPD is associated with worsening symptoms, including shortness of breath, decreased quality of life and loss of life. accelerated lung function. In this interview with Al-Amin Ibrahim, Dr. Ojo Oluwole of Broad Land Hospital, in Ogun State, said that eating heavy foods late at night could predispose or worsen COPD, among other things .

What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

COPD is a group of lung diseases that causes breathing difficulties and also represents a spectrum. It is not a single disease, but there are different types of bronchitis and emphysema. It is a syndrome of progressive limitation of the air flow caused by an abnormal inflammatory reaction of the respiratory tract and the pulmonary parenchyma. This stems from chronic smoking and indoor air pollution. This condition results from an environmental aggression and a host reaction likely to be genetically predetermined. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has a limitation of expiratory airflow due to abnormalities of the respiratory tract and / or lung parenchyma. The disease begins with an asymptomatic phase and the onset of the symptomatic phase develops with a fall in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV 1) less than 70% of the predicted value. There is a reduction in the diffusion capacity, hypoxemia and alveolar hypoventilation. Eating fatty foods can also promote COPD, especially heavy meals late at night that may predispose or worsen COPD.

What are the main causes of COPD?

Smoking is a major cause. In addition, poorly treated or neglected respiratory tract disease or any form of infection.

Environmental Factors: COPD can also occur in those who have been exposed to long-term contact with harmful pollutants in their workplace. Some of these lung irritants include certain chemicals, dusts or vapors. Prolonged or prolonged contact with secondhand smoke or other irritants to the lungs at home, such as organic cooking fuel, can also cause COPD. People who have been working on these irritants for many years are at risk of developing mild COPD.

Genetic factors: Even if a person has never smoked or been exposed to pollutants for a prolonged period of time, they can still develop COPD.

Anyone with asthma or respiratory illness should be given appropriate treatment because it can lead to COPD.

Is COPD contagious?

It can be. There are two types of bronchitis: chronic, which means that your airways are irritated repeatedly. This guy lasts a few months or more, and usually comes back year after year. Things that irritate, such as dust, chemicals, smoke from a fire or cigarettes, are usually the cause. Chronic bronchitis is not contagious, but it is a serious health problem that requires the care of a doctor. The other is acute bronchitis that can last from 1 to 3 weeks. It is usually caused by cold or flu viruses. Since these viruses are contagious, acute bronchitis is usually too.

What are the symptoms?

The most common symptoms are cough associated with sputum production, usually over a long period. You may not have any, at least not those that catch your attention. In fact, most people do not learn that they have COPD until a later stage. It often starts with a throbbing cough. It can be dry or have clear, white, yellow or green mucus. You may also find that you are sometimes out of breath, especially if you push yourself. At this point, the symptoms may seem less important. You may think that they are just getting older or that you may not be as fit as before. But shortness of breath and a constant cough should not be ignored. If you have any, consult your doctor. Your doctor will ask you questions about your health history and that of your family. You will undergo a physical examination, even if it often does not show much until the disease is more advanced. Then you will need tests. The same can be used at any stage of the disease

Prevention of COPD

The best way to prevent COPD is to not start smoking or quit smoking. Also try to avoid the irritants to the lungs that can contribute to COPD, such as air pollution, chemical fumes, dust and secondhand smoke, smoke contained in the air. air by other people who smoke. Another way to prevent COPD is to adopt a healthy diet. Taking a balanced diet means eating the right amount of food in the right amount each day. So, once you eat a balanced diet, it boosts your immunity or even when we come in contact with some of that toxin, it does not act violently in our system. In addition, drinking sufficient water is important. An average adult should take at least four liters of water a day, and then more if they exercise. Starting a day with water is very beneficial for the system. The salty diet should also be reduced, as salt also affects health problems such as heart failure which can also complicate COPD. COPD is treatable. With proper management, most people with COPD can get good symptom control and a good quality of life, as well as a reduced risk of other conditions associated with it.

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