Boston Dynamics presents the video of the Atlas robot performing remarkable feats in agility


BOSTON – If you've ever seen a video of the Boston Dynamics Atlas robot in action and it's been disturbing, wait and see what the mechanical wonder can do now.

The latest video from the robotics company shows that the battery-powered robot has gone over jogging and backflips and is now playing parkour, the fitness trail program developed by Special Forces soldiers.

In the video posted on the company's YouTube channel on Thursday, the Atlas robot can be seen jumping over a newspaper and climbing gracefully in a series of boxes about 16 inches tall.

The movements of the robot are not particularly terrifying, but some Internet users have found the video worrying.

"Note that humans are no longer present in the video. The robots probably killed them all, "said one viewer. "Please, stop doing Terminators," said another.

Boston Dynamics has a different conception of their creation. "This robot [purpose] is really driving innovation within our group, to get us to understand how to marry controls on complex machines, "said V.P. of Engineering, Aaron Saunders said in an interview earlier this year. "It's also to create an impression of what robots can do."

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