Elon Musk asks for the "trademark" for "Teslaquilla"


What began as an April joke could well become a reality for Elon Musk.

The CEO of Tesla Motors jokingly tweeted earlier this year, a photo of him fainted and first used the term "Teslaquila".

Although the tweet is a reaction to the fall of 22% of the Tesla stock the previous month, which caused negative reactions from investors, Musk said "intend to use" the demand for Trademark registration Monday for a tequila called Teslaquila.

"Elon was found fainting against a Tesla Model 3, surrounded by bottles 'Teslaquilla', traces of dried tears still visible on his cheeks," Musk told Apri. "This is not a forward-looking statement, because, of course, what's the use? Good month again!"

Musk tweeted on Friday a possible mock-up of the bottle's label, as well as an article from CNBC saying "Teslaquila will be available soon".

According to a CNBC report, it is unclear when, where or even if Teslaquila will go on sale, but the trademark registration application shows signs of a "bona fide intention" of the company. use in the future.

This decision is reminiscent of a moment in the humorous HBO series Silicon Valley, which satirizes the tech sector, in which a technology billionaire launches a company specializing in tequila called "Tres Commas" in the honor of the three commas on his balance sheet.

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