Well, at least Kanye West's version by Chris Redd.
"Thank you all for coming today for this important discussion.This is by no means a publicity stunt," said Baldwin's Trump.
Redd's West said that he had gone to the meeting using the "power" of his hat "Make America Great Again". He then addressed a long speech about different dimensions and universe that quickly derailed.
"Oh, that guy could be hello," said Trump Baldwin. "I've been in halls with Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong Un and they made a lot more sense than him."
Baldwin's Trump then began to think that West was perhaps reminding him of someone.
"He does not stop, he only listens to himself, to whom does he remind me?" Trump's inner monologue asked. "Oh my god, he's black with me!"
Thompson's Brown also listened to West's speech and felt a little worried for himself.
"Oh, my lord, where did I get in?" Thompson's Brown said. "I played football with a leather helmet and my brain still works better than his."
Baldwin's Trump began to think that all of this could be of benefit to him, as Kanye gave Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh "a calm and collected air".
"So, in conclusion, 13th amendment, Chi-Raq, traps lead to Unabomber, male energy, Trump is my father, Hillary [Clinton]It's a woman and the media must start giving this president a beautiful appearance, "said Redd's West to wrap up his speech.
He then hugged Baldwin's Trump by calling him "dad".
"I love you Kanye," answered Baldwin's Trump. "We have a lot more in common than people know, we're both geniuses, we're both married to beautiful women and we've both been registered with the word" n "."
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