Kanye West returns on Twitter with a video on the days of mind control after visiting the White House


Kanye West, MAGA hat


Kanye West broke his Twitter hiatus after nine days.

On Saturday, Kanye returned to social media after deleting his Instagram and Twitter accounts last week and posted a number of mind control videos. Designer Yeezy posted two short videos and a sound phrase before making a longer 10-minute video. In the main video recorded via Periscope, Kanye spoke at length about the spirit and the "deprogramming".

"I just want to talk about mind control. You know that when people are trying to influence you through social media and tell you what to do, or if people are posting something positive on Instagram, it's canceled if it's not part of an more ambitious program, "he began., control of the mind … That's the poison that is happening with social media."

The video was filled with tangential and non-sequential comments, but in the end he was constantly coming back to this more general idea of ​​mind control and brain programming.

"I have the impression that when people try to tell me what to do, they touch my brain, "he said. If someone tries to tell me what I can do, what I can wear, I feel like they are touching my brain. "

He then provided some visual examples of the sensation of touching his brain. He explained, "Imagine that you open your skull and that someone touches your brain. Imagine how it would hurt you. That's what it feels like when someone tells me what I can or can not do. "

Kanye also criticized social media and its effects on users, especially when people care too much about the number of subscribers they have or whom they like on a photo. "Social media is a lie," he told viewers. "Social media told you Hillary Clinton was going to win, and she did not win. Social media has told you that no one likes me, but everyone loves me. Everyone likes you. "

He continued, "Unprogram your thoughts, open your heart, let your conscience be free."

Kanye West, White House "data-width =" 1024 "data-height =" 759

Evan Vucci / AP / REX / Shutterstock

While the majority of the video was extremely cerebral, The life of Pablo the rapper has also turned it into something more spiritual. He said that he was "the best live recording artist" thanks to the "spirits that go through me". He cited the spirit of Bob Marley and Tupac. "The spirits will give me new ideas. They are in the air. We do not own them, we are only a ship, "he explained.

He's also created a mantra. A few, actually. The one was "Open your heart. Let your mind guide you. Let your conscience be free. "The other adage was,"We are creative individuals. We work with our heart and our mind. We are not nerdy. "

Kanye pointed to social media and radio to cement ideas about the rapper in people's minds. He said in the video: "Do not get too gassy when you hear other things on the radio.It's all programming.This is all part of a system to control your mind to control my mind, to make me look like me "I'm crazy about you. "

He confirmed that he was in Africa, probably ending his Yanhdi album, which was originally due to fall by the end of September.

On Thursday, Kanye visited the White House and the famous Twitter user, the president Donald Trump. The artist and the president have talked at length about criminal justice reform and how Kanye's hat, Make America Great Again "gives him power." Kanye spoke for more than ten minutes, which Trump called "pretty impressive" and "quite something" when it was all over.

On September 29, Kanye was booed after Saturday Night Live finished filming when he gave a pro-Trump speech on stage. He was the musical guest that night and was spotted in New York donning his MAGA hat.

Many celebrities have clashed with Kanye for his obvious favorable views of Trump, including: Lana del Rey and Chris Evans. SNL member of the cast Pete Davidson, who has been very open about her mental health issues in the past, made a plea for mental health to the rapper last week after Kanye announced that he "was not taking any more medication" during an interview with TMZ.

Davidson asked Kanye, "There's no shame in the game of medicine, I'm on them, it's great, take them in. There's nothing wrong with take them."

When all this happened, Kanye's wife, Kim Kardashian, remained supportive of her husband. After its SNL dialogue, a source told E! News, "Kim still defends Kanye publicly and tries to support her."

The source added: "She thinks that Kanye is entitled to her opinion and can express her freely, she may not always agree with him, but she still thinks he is allowed to believe what he wants. "

Before her visit to the White House, Kim told E! News that she was "proud" of what Kanye was doing. She said, "He has a very focused mission on what he wants to talk about, and I think the White House is really receptive to his ideas."

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