Republicans blame Democrats for "crowd" tactics as mid-term approaching


The 56-second ad, bathed in a red-orange tinge, connects Democratic leaders' comments to the so-called resistance movement against Trump.

In recent months, protesters have been shaking public Trump administration associates and GOP lawmakers, such as White House advisor Stephen Miller, Texas senator Ted Cruz, and the press secretary of the United States. the White House, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. At multiple Senate hearings on Brett Kavanaugh's candidacy to the Supreme Court, protesters approached Senators in hallways and elevators.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Said Thursday in the Senate that "only one party was happy to welcome this marginal behavior, its leaders are calling it more overtly."

"We will not let the crowd's behavior stifle all Americans who want to legitimately participate in the political decision-making process," he added.

In a radio interview Tuesday, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., Said: "I really fear that someone will be killed and those who resume the conversation – they have to realize that no one is there. they assume a share of responsibility raises to violence ".

GOP representative Dave Brat from Virginia said he was running against the "Liberal crowd" during a debate in October at City Hall.

But Democrats and GOP critics quickly pointed out that Trump himself seemed to be calling for violence on several occasions at his campaign rallies.

"Trump, more than any other American character in recent memory, has been actively trying to provoke civil conflict on as many fronts as possible," wrote Greg Sargent, Washington Post liberal columnist.

Trump used such provocative language during the 2016 election campaign.

"If you see someone preparing to throw a tomato, knock them out, do you want it? Seriously, agree? Strike hell," Trump said in February 2016. "I you promise to pay the attorney's fees, I promise, I promise. "

At two other rallies this month, Trump told a protester, "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you." From another, he said, "Try not to hurt him, if you do, I will defend you in court, do not worry about that."

In March, at a rally in North Carolina, a protester was hit by a sucker while escorted out of the building.

After his election, Trump appeared to encourage the increased use of violence among police officers. He said during a speech in July 2017: "When you see these thugs being thrown to the back of a paddy wagon, you saw them brutally. I said: "Please, do not be too nice."

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