Pignanelli and Webb: The impact of the Kavanaugh saga on everyone



Vice President Mike Pence announces the vote result for Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation in the Washington Supreme Court. The deeply polarized US Senate narrowly confirmed Brett Kavanaugh's decision to join the Supreme Court on Saturday, giving President Donald Trump a triumph during the election season, which could tip justice for a generation after a battle that broke the cultural, sexual and political divisions of the country. . (AP Photo / APTN)

Controversy over the confirmation of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh seeps into the mid-term elections on November 6 and even in the areas of how Americans and Utahns interact on many levels. We explore the consequences.

Are the raw and visceral events surrounding Kavanaugh's confirmation a new media coup, or has our national culture been permanently affected?

Pignanelli: "This moment is not going to pass. This moment is with us for a moment. "- Matthew Dowd

At the age of 16, lean, I was assaulted by a male predator twice older than my age. Within seconds of a brutal rape, I walked away and ran. Ashamed, terrified and guilty, this son of a devout Catholic family could not reveal the trauma to my loving parents, my priest or the police. My experience does not match the suffering of millions of American women, but I am deeply empathetic to the victims who have not reported sexual assault – including Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

As a lawyer and public servant, I swore to respect the federal and state constitutions, including the principles that underpin them. In the courtrooms and Capitol, I represented clients and colleagues accused of illegal or unethical behavior. In each case, I have reaffirmed a fundamental precept in America: the law applies equally to all. The accused has the right to confront his accuser and to be judged on the basis of available evidence.

These life experiences illustrate how much of the Utahns are fighting this dilemma. They sympathize with and respect the victim. But people presumed guilty of wrongdoing can not be convicted by a court or public opinion forum without sufficient evidence.

Credible witnesses with conflicting stories are common scenarios in America. Tarana Burke, founder of the #MeToo movement, proposes this resolution: "When we say," Believe the survivors, "it's … people do not often lie about their suffering and the trauma of sexual violence … but do not Do not believe without investigation or interrogation. . It's not, 'Believe people, cover up and do no investigation.' 'Well stated.

Webb: This saga has aroused raw feelings from all sides. Ford's credible and sincere testimony was almost overwhelmed by protesters shouting in the faces of Senators. Overall, I think the Democrats and their militant activist base have exaggerated their game, angering the traditional Republicans and Trump Republicans. They managed to unite and energize a fractured Republican party.

For example, my wife, Jan, is a moderate Republican. Like many women, she has no use for the president Donald Trump. She does not like her tone and behavior, her pomposity, her sarcasm, her name, her treatment of women, and so on.

But at the end of the Kavanaugh battle, Jan – the moderate – was completely disgusted with the behavior of Democrats and the crowd of protesters. She felt that Democrats were in bad faith, unjust and highly political and were trying to destroy a good man.

Way back in 1968, when CBS News anchors Walter Cronkite suggested that America stops fighting the Vietnam War, the president Lyndon Johnson "If I lost Cronkite, I lost Central America."

If the Democrats have lost a significant number of moderate women, they have also lost Central America.

Republicans and Democrats express their indignation to motivate voters in the upcoming elections. Will the emotions remain strong enough on Election Day and beyond to have an impact on the races?

Pignanelli: Given that it is more than an ideological gap and is very personal to voters, the passion will remain strong long after polling day.

Webb: An election that was mainly a referendum on Trump is now a referendum on democratic extremism and foolish behavior. Democrats hating Trump were already eager to vote. Now, Republicans are just as galvanized. This could hurt Democrats in tight races like the Mia Love/Ben McAdams 4th battle of the Congress district.

McAdams is a very kind and capable person. He is a moderate politician. He says that he will not support Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House.

But the reality is that a vote for McAdams is a vote for the Democrat crowd to take power in the House. The hysterical democratic base that harasses Republican leaders in restaurants and chases them down the halls will be in control. People who want to remove Kavanaugh, remove Trump and eliminate Immigration and Customs Enforcement will control the House.

What is the long-term impact on Utah's politics, society, and culture?

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Pignanelli: It divides families, friends and former political allies. But I am optimistic internally and I believe that the end result of this controversy is beneficial for our state. Unjustly traumatized or injured people will now be encouraged to come forward knowing that a support structure is in place. However, allegations of criminal behavior or bad behavior – including those made via social media – must now be supported by sufficient evidence or rejected.

Webb: This fury will calm down. But the reality is that Republicans have won a huge victory. With Trump's two recent appointments, the Supreme Court is now in a conservative majority. Liberals will no longer be able to use the court to move the country to the left. They will not be able to use the courts to adopt policies that they can not get through the legislature. In the long run, it will be very good for the country.

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