Politics: The Blend of President E15 Blessing Farmers Buoys | News from the three states


President Donald Trump has become the spokesperson for Iowa's renewable energy advocates after delivering on his promises to allow year-round sales of a potent blend of ethanol.

The Republican ordered the US Environmental Protection Agency to license the sale of E15 fuel throughout the calendar year. The mixture could not be sold from June 1st to September 15th of each year.

The sale was restricted due to environmental concerns because liquids, including gasoline, evaporate faster during the warmer months. But proponents of the 15% ethanol blend said that environmental concerns were not valid.

"We have been working tirelessly on this issue for seven years, while unwarranted restrictions were preventing retailers from offering the E15," said Monte Shaw, executive director of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, in a statement. A press release. "We are grateful to President Trump for taking this historic step to boost demand for ethanol and corn."

According to association estimates, increased access to the E15 could increase demand for new ethanol by 7 billion gallons. This would mean an additional demand of 2 billion bushels of corn per year.

Americans Sens Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst of R-Iowa have both hailed the Trump movement.

"By granting the sale of E15 all year, Iowans will see its farm income increase, its production and consumption increase, as well as our economy," Ernst said in a statement.

In the tri-state region, access to E15 generated bipartite support.

"Even if it is not a complete solution to all these problems (low commodity prices and ongoing trade war), we could also improve things by allowing sales throughout the world. year E15 to encourage corn producers around the world. heart of the country, "said US Representative Cheri Bustos, D-Ill., in a statement.

However, for an organization, the decision represents a "compromise" that constitutes a "net loss" for family farmers.

In a statement, the Iowa Farmers Union called the E15 decision "an important step towards achieving a renewable energy future".

"At the same time, this compromise does not solve the problem of the exemption request of the EPA (Renewable Fuel Standard) directive granted to oil refiners by billions of liters of ethanol. lost, "said Roger Johnson, president of the organization, in a statement. declaration.

And a group representing restaurant chains said the air quality problems were very good.

"Pouring even more ethanol into the gasoline tanks of Americans is a bad idea for consumers and the environment," said David French, executive director of the National Council of Restaurant Chains, in a statement. "Higher blends, like E15, are detrimental to air quality in hot weather."


A small series of cases of a rare, polio-like illness among children in Minnesota and Iowa prompted the two Iowa Senators to request an investigation at the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Ernst and Grassley, accompanied by the American Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith, both Democrats in Minnesota, have tabled a joint letter asking for "information and action" on the response to recent cases of acute flaccid myelitis. Six cases were reported in Minnesota early October and one case in Iowa last week.

AFM is a condition of the nervous system that causes muscle weakness and other symptoms similar to polio, a disease that has almost been eradicated in the United States through vaccines.

"In recent weeks, AFM has been diagnosed in seven children in Minnesota and Iowa, two of whom are in need of respiratory treatment in the intensive care unit," Senators wrote. "As the causes of AFM are unknown, we urge the CDC to immediately provide more information on preventative measures and treatments."


A Wisconsin Senator has attempted to cancel the development of the Trump administration's short-term health insurance plans.

The resolution of US Senator Tammy Baldwin, a Democrat, won bipartisan support, giving the Senate 50% equality in the Senate last week. But there was still a vote for the measure to move forward.

"I am delighted to have obtained the support of both parties for my resolution to cancel the expansion of the Trump government's junk insurance plans, but it is disappointing that too many Senate Republicans have failed to keep their promise and protect people with pre-existing diseases, says Baldwin.

Health care plans are not required to cover care for pre-existing conditions or other types of health care prescribed by the Affordable Care Act.

Republican Leah Vukmir, Baldwin's opponent in the November 6 midterm elections, criticized the characterization of "affordable" plans as "junk".

"As a nurse, I advocate giving Americans more health choices because they know the best, not the government," Vukmir wrote.


  • The PAC of the Iowa Credit Union approved representatives of Iowa, Lee Hein, R-Monticello, Chuck Isenhart, D-Dubuque and Shannon Lundgren, R-Iowa, as well as Senator Iowa Tod Bowman, D-Maquoketa. The organization also supported Democrat Abby Finkenauer in his attempt to overthrow US representative Rod Blum, R-Iowa.
  • Meanwhile, Blum announced last week an approval from the Iowa Farm Bureau.
  • Howard Marklein, Wisconsin Senator at R-Spring Green, announced the support of 109 local leaders from throughout the 17th district of the Senate. Among them are Nate Dreckman, Grant County Sheriff, and Reg Gill, Lafayette County Sheriff.
  • Nancy Fett, a Democrat who hopes to overthrow Lundgren, has announced several endorsements. Supporting organizations include ISEA, Iowa Plumbers and Pipefitters, Iowa State Building Council and Construction Trades Council, Heavy Highway PAC, IBEW PAC Education Fund, Iowa Conservation Voters, Dubuque and Iowa Federation of Labor and Iowa Professional Fire Fighters.

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