BepiColombo flies for the hunt for water and the magnetic field


IIn 2012, Messenger found ice at the North Pole of the planet, without being able to say whether it was water or sulfur. BepiColombo will also be able to confirm the presence of water ice at the South Pole.

Messenger has also found organic matter on the planet and, although scientists do not think life will be there, it could help them understand how it began on Earth.

Researchers also want to know more about Mercury's magnetic field. Previously, it was thought that the planet was solid until the end, but previous missions had discovered a magnetic field suggesting a melted interior.

Professor Emma Bunce, of the University of Leicester, who built one of the embedded instruments, said: "There are some interesting quirks about Mercury that we still do not understand.

"Messenger told us a lot, but also raised more questions."

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