'The Deuce' Season 2, Episode 6: Dirty Money


And what a perfect time to make an episode about compromises, because Candy is shooting a movie! In the awesome opening scene, Candy is back in the streets where she once roamed, shooting like guerrillas among onlookers and rats who continue to sabotage her catch. Acclaimed actress as a prima donna, Lori has no trouble rolling with the punches, but her new star, Lance Mynx, is so wise that it goes wild for night 1, demanding the treatment reserved for these stars. which refer to the third person. For him, it is not professional to steal shots for an irregular production on the east coast, but Candy will not let him play the kill buzz. She is late, over budget, suffering from headaches and having fun.

What she does not know yet are the costs of a decision she did not have a chance to make. She had to make compromises by taking money from Frankie, a notorious not-so-well, leading a temporary windfall, and now, Frankie, as a producer, solved his budget crisis by accepting the contribution of $ 20,000 from Mr. Pipolo. (For Rudy, the confusion with which police were beaten by police for causing a stunt sealed this painful transaction.) All Candy's work to raise funds from legitimate sources is now cleared unaided. his acquaintance, another in a long line of Frankie screw up. When it comes time to divide the box office, the percentages of "Red Hot" sold to financiers can start to look like a Bialystock and Bloom ploy.

But for the moment, there is the magic of the film. The feminist version of Candy on "Little Red Riding Hood" – a magnifying glass that falls prey to a woman's desire rather than her violent instinct – is winning. She managed to catch breaks in empty metro cars and gazebos by the river. His improvisational style bringing texture to the backdrop and dialogue. She is a good director who realizes her vision. Time will tell if she has control of the final cup.


• Among the references to the 70s film of this episode, we can mention Harvey Keitel in "Fingers". This is Keitel's second reference in two weeks – he also starred in "Blue Collar", imitates the film by Larry Brown – and Keitel's "Mean Streets" shoot with Robert De Niro has always seemed to be a role model for the Vinnie / Frankie relationship here. "Fingers" is exactly the kind of indie New York indie and rushing down that Candy's movie evokes. The film is also directed by James Toback, who faces charges of serial sexual misconduct. Between this and the revelations discovered about James Franco's allegedly abusive behavior on the set of "Freaks and Geeks," "The Deuce" continues to collide with the #MeToo movement.

• Given Dorothy's story under C.C., the compromise she is forced to make on the apartment complex is particularly atrocious. By settling a dispute between residents and pimps, they essentially protect the activity of these pimps from disturbances caused by calls to the police. Dorothy hates mackerel. She also realizes that raids punish women more.

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