Hillary Clinton: Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky was not an abuse of power


In an interview with CBS Sunday morning, Clinton defended her husband and said "absolutely not" in response to a question of whether he should have resigned after revealing his affair with Lewinski there are more than 20 years.

New York Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who occupies the former seat of Hillary Clinton, recently told The New York Times that the former president should have stepped down at the time.

"Yes, I think that's the appropriate answer," Gillibrand told The Times, directly questioned about the scandal.

Clinton said that the case between the former president and Lewinsky, trainee at the White House at the time, was not an abuse of power and that Lewinsky "was an adult".

"But let me ask you this," continued Clinton, "where is the investigation of the current incumbent, against whom many allegations have been made, and what he rejects, denies and ridicules?"

Clinton was referring to multiple allegations of sexual assault and harassment against President Donald Trump, which Trump denied.

The former secretary of state said about the subsequent investigation of her husband: "I think it happened in the right place."

Clinton was finally charged with scandal but was acquitted by the Senate and completed his term as president.

When asked what role she had played, if any, in criticizing the character of the women who accused her husband of sexual misconduct, the former Secretary of State said: "Any."

"No role," said Clinton. "I take responsibility for my life and my actions."

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