On the 60 minutes, Trump discusses the possible exit of Mattis, climate change and Kim Jong Un: NPR


President Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House earlier this month.

Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP

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Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP

President Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House earlier this month.

Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis "might" consider leaving, Saudis can expect "severe punishment" for any involvement in Jamal Khashoggi's disappearance, and climate change is likely real, but not caused by the man, said President Donald Trump in a Sunday interview on CBS & # 39; 60 minutes.

The extensive discussion with Lesley Stahl of the network touched on Trump's view of politicians ("deceitful, vicious"), Chinese tariffs and Christine Blasey Ford, among others. The series l interviewed at the White House last Thursday; The interview was broadcast on CBS Sunday night. The President had already been interviewed by Stahl for 60 minutes to Trump Tower with his family in 2016, a few days after the elections.

Stahl interviewed Trump as a candidate, as president-elect and now as president. "Regarding the three interviews, he was completely different," she said. m said. "He's so much more confident, he's really president, and you felt it, I felt it in this interview."

Trump often rebuffed the reporter when she asked him to elaborate. "In the meantime, I am the president and you are not," he said after an exchange of views on the press.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis

Mattis is visiting Vietnam this week as China continues to assert itself militarily in the South China Sea.

Trump, perhaps opening Mattis' door, told Stahl that the defense secretary "might" consider leaving the cabinet. She asked the president if Mattis was going to leave.

President Trump: Well, I do not know. He did not say that. I have –

Stahl: Do you want it –

President Trump: – a very good relationship with him. It could be that it is. I think he's sort of a democrat, if you want to know the truth. But General Mattis is a good guy. We are getting along very well. He can leave. I mean, at one point, everyone leaves. Everybody. People are leaving. It is Washington.

The president also called "false news" statements of chaos in his administration.

"I have people waiting who will be phenomenal," Trump said.


On the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi

Other world leaders are grappling with the Turkish government's allegations that Khashoggi was killed by Saudi officials in Istanbul this month. Trump threatened to "punish severely" if the allegations were true.

The president said that the Saudis had denied any involvement and that he expected to know why Khashoggi had disappeared "in a not too distant future".

"Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon," he said, referring to US defense subcontractors operating in Saudi Arabia. "I do not want to hurt jobs I do not want to lose an order like this There are other ways to – punish, use a word that is hard enough, but that Is true. "

"There is a lot at stake. And maybe most of all because this man was a journalist," said the president. "You'll be surprised to hear me say that … we'll get to the bottom of things and there will be a severe punishment" he was murdered.

The Saudis say they will take revenge for any attempt to punish them for this incident.

On climate change

Stahl has been disputed with Trump in the wake of Hurricane Michael, citing the recent trend of violent storms. Trump called climate change a hoax perpetuated by China in the past, but in the interview, he seemed to partially reverse his position.

"I think something is happening," said Trump.

"Something is changing and it's going to change again, I do not think it's a hoax," he told Stahl.

"But I do not know if it's done by the man, I'll say it, I do not want to give billions and billions of dollars, I do not want to lose millions and millions of dollars." I do not want to be disadvantaged, "he said.

"Look, scientists also have a political agenda," he added.

On Kim Jung Un

The president's remarks about the North Korean leader have often made headlines. At a rally in West Virginia last month, Trump spoke to the crowd of "love" that he had developed for Kim.

"He wrote me beautiful letters, and these are good letters, we fell in love with love," he said. A year ago, Trump was teased Kim in the role of "Little Rocket Man", while this one had made him insult and called the president "mentally deranged American."

Stahl supported Trump on these September comments.

Stahl: I want to read his resume, agree? He presides over a cruel kingdom of repression, gulag, famine – reports that he murdered his half-brother, forced labor and public executions. That's a guy you like?

President Trump: Sure. I know all these things. I mean – I'm not a baby. I know these things.

Stahl: I know, but why do you like this guy?

President Trump: Look look. I – I – I like – I get along well with him, okay?

Stahl: But you like him.

President Trump: Agree. It's just a figure of speech.

Stahl: No, it's like a hug.

President Trump: It's good, whether it's a hug. Whether it's anything to do the job.

On the accuser Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford

At a rally in Mississippi earlier this month, the president scoffed at Ford, who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

Stahl's question was simple: "Why did you have to make fun of her?"

"I will not go in because we won," Trump finally replied. "It does not matter, we won."

On trade with China

The United States has already imposed about $ 250 billion in tariffs on China and there could be more, the president said. He is not trying to push China into a depression, he said. "I want them to negotiate a fair deal with us – I want them to open their markets, as … our markets are open."

Chinese officials have said in the past that they were prepared to retaliate by increasing their tariffs.

"They want to negotiate," said the president. "I also have excellent chemistry with Chinese President Xi.I do not know if this will necessarily continue.I told President Xi that we could not continue to make China lose $ 500 billion. dollars a year in the form of trade and other things. "

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