Avengers 4 Description of the trailer This seems too good to be true


The full description of the first trailer of Avengers 4 may have made its way online. There are only seven months left before the completion of the 22-film arc that the MCU tells since 2008, yet the film is still little known. Over the weekend, filmmakers Joe and Anthony Russo announced that they had completed their new shots, signaling the upcoming move to post-production. In the absence of official update of Marvel Studios, fans are forced to search the Internet for new information that might reveal things about the upcoming blockbuster.

Avengers: Infinity War Thanos, famous for its end, had managed to erase half of life in the universe, while offering the most powerful heroes of the Earth their first real defeat. It remains to be seen what is happening from that moment on and there is a myriad of narrative possibilities that the Russo brothers and writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely may choose to explore for the future. However, if the description of a recently made trailer proves to be accurate, it seems that many theories of fans will be realized in the years to come. Avengers 4.

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Quote a Reddit article that mysteriously disappeared, Daily Express (via CBR) reports that the highly anticipated trailer description for Avengers 4 has probably made its way online. The detailed summary begins with a snapshot of the damaged Infinity Gauntlet, followed by a meeting between Tony and Steve that actually sets things in motion. Several rumors about the film are also confirmed by the description, including the debut of Clint Barton as Ronin and the re-examination of the Battle of New York. The Quantum Realm, a Kree ship, and Vormir are also appearing. Read the full description below:

"The trailer begins to show the damaged Infinity Gauntlet in a field on the farming planet.While the camera focuses on the Gauntlet, we hear Tony's voice:" We were destined to lose. "An epic score begins." Quinjet is seen landing In a Wakandan desert, we hear Steve Rogers: "We've come right here." Tony and Nebula leave the jet as the remaining Avengers approach. Tony, seemingly defeated, shakes his head and makes a friendly smile at Cape.The Marvel Studios logo appears.

"We have a glimpse of the New York Battle of the 2012 Avengers." Loki is shocked and bewildered as he sits at the top of the Stark tower, there is a flash of blue light as the camera pans. (Cut to black) We then see the Wakandan throne with Mr. Baku at the helm, surrounded by his new king guard (a mix of the hill tribe and Dora Milaje) .See Shuri and Banner work on a new project in the lab Black Widow is in Hawkeye's family home from Age of Ultron.Totally, everything is thrown around and broken Nat is studying a type of map with multiple photos and locations. Quick of Thanos is featured with a Long Sword, coming down an alley in New York.The next shot is a dark hooded figure with shining eyes, aiming a bow and arrow before shooting toward the camera. "

(1-2 images of the quantum kingdom) Scott Lang (no suit) runs through a park dodging explosions. (Photo from space) Thor and Valkyrie are aboard a Kree ship. : "If the stories are true, you are the last hope of our universe. If such a thing still exists. "The next shot is an elderly and determined Tony Stark, walking into the new SHIELD HQ (Avengers Facility in upstate New York)." He wears the SHIELD outfit and wears a "We see a banner" (carrying spandex) fleeing something, looking terrified.The next shot is Ant-Man appearing under a flash of light and landing in a desolate place.We see it from his point of view from within his helmet He still looks left to right and left and says, "What in the-".

"We see Captain Marvel floating fists on fire and his eyes lighting up." Thanos in the Soulstone with young Gamora yelling, Loki and Thor fighting together Chitauri and Tony offering Steve a new shield in the throne room of Wakandan. (Tony and Scott return) Tony opens the orange briefcase while Scott hands him a lighted bracelet Tony asks, "How? … Is it still possible?" Iron Man and Ant-Man are pictured crossing the Quantum Kingdom Tony and Scott are back in the New York battle from 2012. The last shot before the title is revealed is an endless stone vanishing of the damaged Thanos glove, he stands up abruptly and puts on his armor, his face turning from an extreme fury to a threatening smile.

"Title Revealed: Avengers: Annihilation

"Stinger: Hulk drives into new SHIELD premises with Black Widow and Steve Steve notices that Hulk has been training non-stop for a while, so he asks why … Hulk responds to Banner's normal voice with: "My next match returns. very soon, I can feel it! ""

As mentioned earlier, most of the key moments included in the description have been persistent rumors for some time now, allowing anyone who religiously follows movie updates to potentially concoct this description of the movie. Avengers 4 trailer could be like. With this in mind, it is likely that the description is a fake, because in some respects it reads like a small wish list of fans. That said, since this would be the first trailer of the film, it makes sense that the Russo brothers are already unveiling anything important and unexpected. Most of the time, Marvel Studios tend to record intriguing revelations for their successive trailers, the first being primarily intended to draw fans' attention to the project.

In recent weeks, rumors and other unofficial information about Avengers 4 – from its title to conceptual art and now to a description of the trailer – are now online. In the middle of all this, Marvel Studios remains silent about the film, not wanting to reveal anything of the film earlier than expected. Given how they managed to keep the entire War of Infinity until the first, there is a good chance that they double their security for their capper phase 3. But in case most of these rumors prove true, they could just as easily unveil the first look at people on the film, as well as on its much debated title, to the delight of fans.

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Source: Daily Express (via CBR)

Key release dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: March 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) release date: May 03, 2019
  • Spider-Man: Away from Home (2019) release date: Jul 05, 2019

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