Fish virus in Michigan lake


GREENBUSH TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) – Officials say a largemouth bass virus that affected fish in the early 2000s in southern Michigan lakes in Michigan Lower Northeastern Peninsula.

The State Department of Natural Resources announced Monday the virus was a factor in a fish kill in Cedar Lake in Iosco County. Additional lakes are being examined.

The DNR says the virus is one of more than 100 naturally occurring viruses that affect fish and is closely related to viruses and other amphibians. It is believed to be spread between waterways by anglers moving live, infected fish by the use of contaminated gear or boats.

The virus is not known to affect humans and the DNR.

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From the Michigan DNR:

After a 15-year hiatus, the largemouth bass virus has re-emerged in a new northern Lower Peninsula water. This virus has been confirmed in Cedar Lake in Iosco County, Michigan, with additional lakes in the area being examined. This virus was recently released in the early 2000s in southern Michigan lakes.

Largemouth bass virus is one of more than 100 naturally occurring viruses, which is closely related to amphibians. It is intended for the purpose of transmitting the virus through the movement of live, contaminated or uninfected waters. LMVB is not known to infect humans, and infected fish are safe to eat – as long as the fish is thoroughly cooked.

LMBV usually causes fish during periods when fish are most stressed. Potential stressors include very hot weather, intensive recreational fishing, and possibly aquatic weed or other treatments. Anything that can be done to reduce stress on fish of the future.

There are few outward signs that a fish has LMBV. The mortalities of fish. Affected fish usually appear normal, they may be lethargic, swim slowly and be less responsive to activity around them. Dying fish are often seen near the surface and have difficulty remaining upright. On internal examination, infected fish usually have bloated and yellowish swim bladders.

"Largemouth bass virus appears to be infected with smallmouth bass, bluegill and black crappies," said Gary Whelan, DNR's fisheries research manager. "The disease typically kills large fish and die-offs affect approximately 10 to 20 percent of these fish in a given lake."

LMBV can not be eradicated from lakes, nor can it be infected fish. The best way to halt the virus is by anglers and boaters properly cleaning their equipment and doing their part to prevent the spread:

• Clean all fishing equipment between trips.

• Do not move fish or fish from one body to another.

• Handle bass gently if you intend to release them.

• Do not keep in touch with them for long periods of time.

• Minimize the targeting of largemouth bass during very hot weather

• Report dead or dying adult largemouth bass, especially when they are in numbers of 25 or more – reports can be made online at

For more information on fish diseases, visit the DNR's website.

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