When is spring? The royal baby news of Meghan and Harry have people asking a lot of questions


LONDON – Did anyone say "royal baby"?

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, better known as Prince Harry and Meghan, are expecting a baby in the spring and people are asking questions:

Will the baby take the title of prince or princess? Will the child one day occupy the British throne? How will they call their little bundle of joy? Will it be a boy or a girl? And yes, some people are really googling: When is spring?

The search results for & # 39; when is spring & # 39; peaked in the UK on Monday after the royal announcement. (Google)

So let's take a look.

Will the baby take the title of prince or princess?

The answer is no. The children of Meghan and Harry will take the title of lord or lady and not prince or princess. They can thank King George V for that. In 1917, the great-great-grandfather of William and Harry decided to limit the title of the members of the royal family. stating:

"The grandchildren of the sons of such a ruler in the direct male lineage (with the exception of the eldest living son of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales) always have at all times the style and title enjoyed Dukes' children from these our kingdoms. "

This means that, as the child of Meghan and Harry will be a great-grandson of the ruler (at least until Charles inherits the throne), he will be placed too far into the estate to legitimately take the title of prince or princess. It is thought that all the children of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be known as the Lord or Lady Mountbatten-Windsor, unless the Queen intervenes to change that.

In 2015, the queen chose to make Prince George a prince, then with her younger brothers and sisters, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. "The Queen may well intervene in this case," said royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams.

It is also believed that Meghan and Harry may prefer that their children do not adopt the HRH title in the hope that they will lead a more normal life out of the royal spotlight.

Will Meghan and Harry's child one day occupy the British throne?

Sex is no longer a determining factor in the next succession. Male bias was removed in the Crown Succession Act, which was passed in 2013. Today, the order in which members take the throne is based on age.

To this day, the line of succession to the British throne looks like this:

Prince Charles, followed by his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, reigning, is followed by his eldest son, Prince William. After Prince William are his three children: Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. Behind Prince Louis is his uncle, Prince Harry, at number 6.

Today's announcement places Harry and Meghan's baby in seventh place, making it very unlikely, but not impossible, that their child will one day be king or queen.

The eighth, ninth and tenth places are the Queen's second son, Prince Andrew, and his two daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie.

It's fair to say that these last days have been a whirlwind for Princess Eugenie, who got married, hailed at random Trump President on Twitter and has gone from ninth rank to the throne to the tenth rank of a baby who has not yet been born.

What will be the name of the baby?

Your guess is as good as ours.

Meghan and Harry are well known for their ability to upset the somewhat outdated traditions of the royal family. Since Harry is not directly on the throne, it is often thought that he has more freedom to move away from royal standards when it comes to living his life. At their wedding earlier this year, the couple followed a certain tradition, but also abandoned some secular traditions – and was widely commended for doing so.

Some think that the couple will opt for a non-traditional name, in keeping with their progressive and forward thinking attitudes. Speculation about the name of the new royal king is already booming in Britain, the bookmakers quoting Diana, Stormzy and Alice among the possible options.

When is the spring of 2019?

It all depends on who you ask and how you measure.

According to Steven Keats of the UK Met Office, the start and end dates for each of the four seasons vary each year. Measured using the astronomical calendar, the spring of 2019 should begin in mid-March and end in mid-June. Once measured by the weather calendar, spring should start on March 1st. The last day is May 31st.

Whatever your measure, we can expect the baby to arrive at some point between March and June 2019.

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