A utility company deliberately shut down electricity to nearly 60,000 customers in northern California on Sunday night, with the goal of reducing the risk of forest fires caused by power lines during high winds. .

Pacific Gas and Electric planned to restore power to 70% of customers in North Bay and Sierra Foothills late Monday night. While the crews inspect the lines for their safety, with the help of a helicopter, vehicles and on foot, the others will be powered on Tuesday.

While it was the first time the company cut food for public safety, PG & E announced its criteria and procedures for such an event in June, said spokesman Paul Doherty. After the forest fires that devastated the wine growing region of northern California last October, he added, PG & E has expanded its fire safety program division to make power grids and communities more sustainable. resilient.

The collapse of two PG & E power lines caused one of these wildfires during high winds, killing four people and injuring a firefighter, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection announced. earlier this month. Trees or tree branches striking the PG & E power lines triggered four more wildfires in October 2017. In total, the electricity company was accused of having lit 13 fires of forest last year.

"We are adapting our electrical system to our operating practices to improve safety and reliability," Doherty said of the safety program. "It's really what matters to us."

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Shutting down the power to so many customers was "a last resort given the extreme fire danger these communities face," said Pat Hogan, senior vice president of electrical operations, in a statement. Some of the conditions that led the company to cut electricity included fire warnings, humidity levels, sustained winds, temperature, dry fuel, and local relief from the meteorological service. national, said Doherty.

The company has shut down more than 78 miles of transmission lines and more than 2,150 miles of distribution lines on Sunday night. Many schools in the area were closed Monday because of the planned power outage.

Late Saturday and early Sunday, PG & E warned 97,000 customers in 12 countries that the closure could come into effect. Through automated calls, text messages and emails, the company encouraged customers to get clean water, canned goods, flashlights, prescriptions and baby supplies.

Electricity was also cut in southern California on Monday.

San Diego Gas & Electric has disabled service to approximately 360 customers near Cleveland National Forest, where many fires have ravaged large tracts of land in recent years.

In the past, SDG & E cut its customers' power supply, especially last December, when 14,000 customers were no longer powered.

Southern California Edison, the leading electricity supplier of Southern California – including Los Angeles – has implemented a similar program. As of Monday night, SCE had yet put off power in any of its service areas, said a spokesman at USA TODAY.

Contribute: The Associated Press.

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