An Idaho wildlife officer resigns after the photo of a dead baboon


Blake Fischer posing in Africa over a slaughter

Copyright of the image
Office of the Governor Otter


Blake Fischer resigned after an email sharing photos of his hunts became viral online

An Idaho wildlife official resigned after the public outcry over photos of dead animals killed on a hunting trip to Africa.

Fisheries and Fisheries Commissioner Blake Fischer apologized for the images.

A photo of him smiling while holding a family of dead baboons, including a bloody baby, has caused the most outrage among colleagues and online.

The governor, Mr. Otter, said that he had asked for the resignation of Mr. Fischer, who had "lacked discernment".

In a press release, the governor said: "I have high expectations and high standards for every person appointed to the state government." All members of my administration must exercise judgment. Commissioner Fischer did not do it. "

Warning: Some viewers may find the images below overwhelming.

In September, Mr. Fischer sent his colleagues several photos of himself posing with his assassination in Namibia. This hunting trip would have been legal.

Images included photos of Mr. Fischer smiling over a family of dead baboons, a giraffe, an antelope and a leopard.

Copyright of the image


Mr Fischer reportedly sent this image to colleagues boasting about his hunting exploits.

Local media reported that Mr Fischer had boasted in the email of his hunt, claiming that his wife wanted to "get an idea" of Africa, "so I shot a whole lot of family of baboons .. I think she had the idea very quickly ".

He would have written with the photo of the leopard: "I shot a leopard, super cool, super lucky."

After e-mailing, several former fish and game commissioners began to ask Fischer to resign.

According to the head of the state of Idaho, who told the story, former commissioner Fred Trevey said in an email to Mr. Fischer: "I'm sure this that you did was legal, however, legal does not solve the problem. "

"Sportsmanship is the cornerstone of keeping hunting as a socially acceptable activity," said Trevey, adding that Fischer's actions both dismayed and disappointed him.

Another former commissioner told the newspaper that killing "an entire family of animals was" revolting ".

In his letter of resignation, sent to the governor's office, Mr. Fischer apologized to his fellow hunting and angling.

Copyright of the image
Office of the Governor Otter


Mr. Fischer reportedly said about this picture: "I shot a leopard, super cool, super lucky."

"I have recently issued mediocre judgments that led to the publication of photos of a hunt that did not show proper sportsmanship and that did not respect the animals that I had. captured, "he wrote, CBS News reported.

"Although these actions are not character for me, I fully accept responsibility."

Fishing and game officials are appointed by the governor and are unpaid positions.

Mr. Fischer would have held this position until June 2022. The governor's office announced that the search process for his replacement had begun.

The tumult around Mr. Fischer's photos is the latest reaction against American trophy hunters.

The most publicized case of recent years is perhaps Cecil the lion, killed in 2016 by an American dentist.

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