If the Democrats take over the House, that's what they plan to do


Just three weeks before the mid-term elections, the Democrats are developing a strategy they hope to achieve if the record number of Democratic women running for office succeeds in taking power in the House of Representatives. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi spent the weekend campaigning for candidates in the competitive districts of Pennsylvania. She told Politico that reforming campaign funding, reducing drug prices and protecting dreamers would be at the center of Democrats' legislative plans when they resumed in the House on November 6. .

FiveThirtyEight predicts that Democrats will take control of the House after the mid-term, with more than a little help from the candidates. More than half of the Democratic candidates in the Red-to-Blue neighborhoods that Democrats consider vulnerable are women, and politicoThe company's race guide estimates that the number of Democratic women in the House could increase by nearly 45.

If these predictions prove true, Pelosi wishes to begin the year 2019 with brio. Democrats plan to immediately introduce legislation on reform of election campaign funding to make elections more transparent.

"People believe that if you want to reduce money in politics … then they trust you to do what is right," said Pelosi. politico.

Earlier this month, 107 Democratic candidates from the Chamber of Deputies wrote an open letter to Congress in which they announced their intention to make radical changes to the way money would affect elections if they obtained the majority in November. Their goals include limiting the influence of large donors on political campaigns, strengthening congressional ethics laws, and minimizing lobbyists' power over elected officials.

"We have decided to come to Congress because we know that the best days in the United States are yet to come, but confidence in our government and democracy needs to be restored," said the letter obtained by The Wall Street Journal. "To do this, we must all recognize the corrosive role that money and special interests have played in undermining the confidence of the American people in the system."

After attacking reform of campaign financing, House Democrats want to lower drug prices, according to Pelosi. President Trump last week signed a bipartisan bill that allows pharmacists to tell their clients where they can save money by paying for prescription drugs out of their pocket and bypassing them. health insurance costs. The law does not change the cost of drugs, but Trump said last week that price cutting is a bipartisan issue, reports the Associated Press. For example, he may be willing to look across the street to deal with drug costs after the mid-point.

Protecting dreamers (undocumented immigrants to the United States), strengthening the background checks of gun owners and ensuring that Americans' voting rights are preserved are also top priorities for the Democratic Party in 2019. Although the courts have delayed Trump's plan to end the program that protects dreamers from deportation, their immigration status has been in limbo for more than a year. Congress has failed to pass a law on dreamers, nor gun control measures, Republicans controlling both the House and the Senate.

Finding the majority on polling day would undoubtedly give Democrats more power to tackle their to-do list, but staying in the minority would likely mean that Republicans will continue to act as if nothing had happened.

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