Mysterious cosmic phenomenon was an unprecedented disaster


Загадочное космическое явление оказалось невиданной катастрофой

Such a rare phenomenon has not been observed before.

An international team of astrophysicists discovered that the mysterious gamma ray flash recorded in 2015 had been encountered in bulanovoi, probably as a result of the fusion of a neutron star and a black hole. Such a rare phenomenon has not been observed before and remains hypothetical. Scientists have shown that the transient characteristics (change in brightness of the object) were similar to those of GW170817 – an event that produced both X-ray flash (GRB170817A) and gravitational waves. Article of scientists published in the journal Nature.

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Signal GW170817 was recorded on August 17, 2017 in collaboration with Advanced LIGO (Laser Gravitational Wave Interferometer Observatory) and Virgo. Scientists recorded the gravitational wave (space-time perturbations), generated by the collision of two neutron stars, each 1.1-1.6 times heavier than the Sun. The event occurred at a distance of 130 million light years from Earth and spawned a kilanova, accompanied by a brief burst of gamma rays, the brightest explosions in the optical and infrared domains and a long remanence in X-ray and radiology.

In 2015, the Herschel Space Observatory Space Telescope detected a brief flash of gamma radiation GRB150101B lasting only a few seconds. Analysis of the data obtained in follow-up observations with the Chandra X-ray observatory, the Hubble Space Telescope and the terrestrial telescope, the DCT showed that there was a similarity between GRB150101B and GRB170817A.

These outbreaks produced a short and small rush of gamma rays, after which they turned into a bright blue light and long X-rays. The galaxy in which the events unfolded is elliptical, their stars are old, aged a few billion years and show no signs of new star formation. According to scientists, this suggests that GRB150101B and GRB170817A belong to the same class of objects, so there is telenowyny.

However, according to astrophysicists, there are differences between epidemics. GRB150101B is much further away GRB170817A, at a distance of 1.7 billion light-years from Earth. In addition, the researchers did not record gravitational waves in the first flash. This is probably due to the collision of a neutron star with a black hole. The researchers hope that the discovery of other events of this type will help confirm this option.

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