YouTube down according to international reports


Users around the world report that YouTube is down for many people. The reason is not yet known, but reports arrive quickly around the world. This is unusual for one of the world's most popular websites. So far, YouTube has not released a formal statement about what happened, except to report that they are working on the problem. Although the site has sometimes had brief problems in the past, it is very rare to be so long downtime. Some regions report that the site has started working properly around 10 pm Is, but others still have problems. This is a story in development.

YouTube says it's working on the problem, but has not identified the cause of the problem

YouTube has not yet identified the problem, but has acknowledged on Twitter that it is working on the problem. They wrote, "Thank you for your reports on YouTube, the problems of access to television and to YouTube music. We are working on the resolution of this problem and we will let you know once settled. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and keep you posted. "

Twitter / YouTube team

Reports of fault detectors have increased worldwide in a short time

Here are the reports of Down Detector:

Down detector

Down detector

You can see that the errors have recently exploded. Look at the reports above and now the following reports, a few minutes later:

Down detector

Errors include an empty screen, a black screen when loading YouTube, a 500 error, and an invalid response error

Errors range from simply viewing an empty screen to obtaining an internal server error 500 upon receipt of "invalid response" errors. Others have reported seeing "" when they have tried loading the home page or video. The most recent reported issues include video viewing, login, and website review issues.

You can just see a blank screen in some cases:

The reports come from people across the country and in different parts of the world.

You may also see an error of 500 internal server on some videos. The error message is as follows: "500 Internal Server Error (500 Internal Server Error) Sorry, an error has occurred. A team of highly trained monkeys has been sent to deal with this situation. "

Here is a screenshot to take a closer look at the Internal Server 500 error:


Or you may see an "Invalid response received" error:

Or you can get a black and black screen when you try to load a video:


Some reported that they recognized the problem when their real-time statistics began to crumble.

And the same ones started:

But the most interesting answers come from the police, who ask residents to Please do not call 911 about YouTube being down:

YouTube outages are rare and generally resolved faster than today.

YouTube breakdowns such as this one are rare and generally resolved faster than today.

In July 2018, YouTube TV fell briefly during the World Cup.

In April 2018, the pages of YouTube channels were all reduced in one afternoon. This resulted in a 500 internal server error similar to what we see today. However, during this period, individual videos could still be viewed. The error only affected the pages of the main channel.

By June 2017, YouTube was down for many users, mostly on the east coast of the United States.

In 2013, YouTube was down for 30 minutes with a very similar error that had never been explained. Anyone trying to use the website has encountered the error, so it was as long as today.

In February 2008, the entire site was removed after a Pakistani Internet service provider ordered to censor YouTube to prevent Pakistanis from seeing a trailer of an anti-Islamic film. Pakistan Telecom changed the BGP entry for YouTube and a wrong address was accidentally cascaded around the network when upstream providers took the new route without checking it, reported Wired.

We do not know yet what happened. This seems a little unusual, because YouTube usually solves problems very quickly. This is a story in development.

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