The audio contains horrible details about the killing of Khashoggi


ISTANBUL – His killers were waiting when Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul two weeks ago. They sliced ​​her fingers during an interrogation and then decapitated and decapitated her, according to information extracted from audio recordings released Wednesday in Turkish media.

Everything was over in a few minutes, suggested the recordings.

A senior Turkish official confirmed the news published in the pro-government daily Yeni Safak.

On the same day that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went to Turkey, the Turkish government intensified pressure on Saudi Arabia and the United States to get an answer on the fate of prominent dissident journalist Khashoggi. writes for the Washington Post.

Fifteen days after he entered the Istanbul consulate and where he has never been seen going out, the Saudis have not yet given any explanation.

Do it outside. You will put me in trouble, "said the consul, al-Otaibi, according to a Turkish official and the report of Yeni Safak, citing audio recordings allegedly obtained by the Turkish intelligence services.

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