Can you catch the flu after the flu shot? What the experts say


The flu season is imminent and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that everyone be vaccinated against the flu this year, from six months. But some people might wonder if you can get vaccinated against the flu. Here's what the experts say.

In short, the answer is no: you can not catch the flu after being vaccinated against the flu, experts say. But you can have flu-like symptoms in some cases.

"No, influenza vaccines can not cause the flu," says the CDC.

Since the flu vaccine contains inactivated viruses – or uses a single gene from an influenza virus – it is not possible to contract the flu, according to the agency. If people have flu-like symptoms after receiving the vaccine, the vaccine may not work or you may not have received the vaccine soon enough. Likewise, flu-like symptoms are not the real flu.

Read more: How effective is the 2018 influenza vaccine?

"The influenza vaccine does not get the flu," Dr. William Schaffner, medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, told CBS in a survey conducted by Orlando Health that 53 percent Respondents were convinced that influenza vaccines could cause the disease with the flu. "The flu shot is safe."

According to the Mayo Clinic, some people may develop flu-like symptoms due to a reaction caused by the body's production of protective antibodies. having previously been exposed to the virus, it takes about two weeks for the influenza vaccine to be effective; or incompatible influenza viruses – the annual vaccine may not contain the strain of influenza virus to which you have been exposed.

"We really want people to understand that the flu vaccine does not get the flu," said Jean Moorjani, pediatrician at Orlando Health. Health.

Influenza is a common viral infection that, in severe cases, can be fatal. During the 2017-2018 influenza season, about 80,000 people died from the virus and associated complications, CNN reported. Last year's flu season was the deadliest in over 40 years.

There are several options for getting the flu shot. There is the classic flu vaccine given with a needle; and jet injector vaccination, a needle-free option that uses a jet of high pressure fluid with an injection gun, as seen here. Another option is the nasal spray, where a doctor sprays the vaccine into your nose.

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