Jews reject Trump 74% -26% despite awareness, vote for Dems


PResident Trump has found no support from Jewish voters since his election despite his efforts to rebuild US-Israeli relations, move the US embassy in Jerusalem, double economic growth and instruct his son-in-law to develop a new peace plan in the Middle East.

A recently released poll indicates that if the presidential election was held now, Trump would get 26% of the Jewish vote, of which 74% would go to the Democrat.

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An equal number of Jews plan to vote for Democrats in the upcoming congressional elections.

When asked about several points, Jewish voters gave a positive response to Jewish voters, it is the US-Israel relations, but at 51% against 49%. Only 44% approved the move of his embassy.

The Mellman Group poll found that Jewish voters are much harsher towards Trump than the general public. "Overall, only 25 percent of American Jews approve of Trump's work as president, while 75 percent disapprove of it. Here too, the Jews are much more hostile to Trump than the general population. On average, about 43% of Americans approve of the work done by the president, while 53% disapprove of it, "said the poll for the Jewish Electorate Institute.

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One of the reasons for their dismissal from Trump is that 64% of Jews consider themselves liberals.

The survey is likely to surprise many people, given the president's contacts with Israeli and Jewish voters. For example, he asked Jared Kushner to develop a new peace plan. This week, his son Donald Trump Jr. and his girlfriend and Trump substitute, Kimberly Guilfoyle, participated in a Jewish Republican coalition where she was applauded for her list of Trump achievements in Israel.

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In 2016, Trump won only 24% of the Jewish vote and reports indicate that Jews chose Hillary Rodham Clinton before Trump more than any other electoral group.

And by 2020, they love Joe Biden even more than former President Obama.

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Bottom line, said the survey:

"American Jews remain fiercely loyal to the Democratic Party, which they see as pro-Israel but also as representing their views on a wide range of issues, both foreign and domestic. They offer negative assessments of President Trump and almost all of his policies, and prioritize national issues to decide which candidate to support. Jews will vote once again for Democrats next month. "

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