The "Me too" movement in India is gaining momentum and is already leading to the resignation of a powerful politician


A report against sexual misconduct is gaining momentum in India. After being accused of sexual harassment by more than 12 women, Indian Minister of External Affairs, Mr. J. Akbar, resigned from office. He has initiated a defamation suit against one of his accusers, according to the newspaper. The Washington Post. He is widely regarded as the most prominent person in India, leaving his post over the growing #MeToo movement in India.

Akbar denied all the allegations against him. "I think it's appropriate to resign from my post and challenge the false charges against me," he said in a statement, according to NPR.

In his statement, Akbar explained his decision to resign, emphasizing the "personal" nature of the allegations. "Since I decided to seek justice in a personal court, I feel that it is appropriate to leave my office and challenge the false accusations against me, also in a personal capacity" , did he declare. To post. Bustle solicited comments from the Department of External Affairs.

Akbar's journalist is journalist Priya Ramani, who claims that the minister sexually assaulted her as part of her previous job as newspaper editor at Asian age. Several other women who have laid charges against Akbar also said that their assaults took place while he was working in the media. To post.

Defamation may be a criminal offense in India and may even result in a prison sentence, the To post reports. Akbar currently has up to 97 lawyers working for him as part of his lawsuit against Ramani, according to The New York Times.

On Tuesday, an additional 20 women journalists came forward via a public statement, stating that they were willing to testify against Akbar. They insisted that "Ramani is not alone in his fight," according to a copy of the statement published on the Indian News 24×7 Newspaper. They continued:

What Mr. Akbar has demonstrated through his lawsuits is his refusal to introspect, recognize or redeem his actions that caused immense pain and even caused a lot of harm to many. women over the years. In the meantime, he continues to enjoy tremendous power and privilege as a minister and member of Parliament.

When Ms. Ramani publicly spoke out against her, she not only talked about her personal experience, but also shed light on the culture of misogyny, law, and occasional sexual predation that Mr. Akbar had generated and chaired Asian age.

Ramani had previously described the alleged inappropriate behavior of Akbar in an essay for Vogue in October 2017, in which she was addressing an unidentified "male boss". Earlier this month, she said that she was referring to Akbar when she wrote the text.

According to the NPR, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has not yet publicly responded to the allegations against Akbar, nor to the nascent #MeToo movement. The #MeToo movement in India began to pick up speed a few weeks ago, according to several reports. How the government responds to the charges can set an important precedent for any other potential claim that may occur in the future.

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