Lil Wayne pays tribute to the man who saved his life during an emotional speech at the BET Hip-Hop Awards


Lil Wayne accepted the honor of 2018 I Am Hip Hop at the BET Hip-Hop Awards, which was televised last night. During his thank you speech, the rapper thanked his friends and family before shouting out the man who saved his life after his suicide attempt at the age of 12. a group of policemen jumped on me, but he refused to do so, "leading the young Wayne to the hospital. Look at the speech below.

Wayne has already spoken publicly about Uncle Bob. In 2016, when asked to clarify his comment that "racism did not exist," Wayne cited the example of the white policeman who saved his life. It was not until recently, on his last album Tha Carter VLil Wayne confirmed that his self-inflicted wound injury was a suicide attempt.

Read "Lil Wayne's Long Road to Tha Carter V"More on the field.

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