With "Horseface", Trump chose his base rather than women able to swing mid-day


Reports of Republican party poverty among female voters have been circulating among party officials for nearly a year, but according to her language, President Trump does not always seem to be very concerned about this. .

Celebrating the cancellation of a defamation suit brought against him by adult film actress Stormy Daniels – the two men are fighting over a dispute in connection with a payment she's received in 2016 to remain silent about their alleged affair – the president used a tactic that he frequently uses his female critics: He criticized his appearance.

Trump's decision to attack a well-known woman, and in particular her appearance, gives the impression that he does not care much about all the data. He was quoted as saying that the ill-treatment of women offended him, in particular he chose to denigrate them.

The people most interested in Trump seem to be loyal supporters who supported his campaign in the early days of his career, after he fell into the politically incorrect trap that was the basis of his presidency.

Despite several polls showing that the GOP is not working well with women in general and that the party is losing some of the voters supporting Trump in 2016, the president has continued to say things that many predict will prevent women from voting for their rights. Republicans in the month of November. mid-term election.

Elise Viebeck and Ashley Parker, of the Washington Post, explained how various White House assistants and GOP strategists took account of these comments as the Republican Party considered the possibility of losing the House, perhaps because women White suburbs turn away from Trump.

Politicians and experts, even within the GOP, went to the media and social media to see how much the "Horseface" insult was useless just three weeks before the election.

"There is no room for that. There is no place for this kind of language. He should not have said that, "said House Speaker Paul D. Ryan in" CBS This Morning ".

And Rep. Elise Stefanik (NS), who also appeared on the morning show, described Trump's remarks as unacceptable.

But many members of the Trump base, including women, apparently have the opposite feeling: they tweeted their support for the president and attacked Daniels.

On Wednesday, the president went on Twitter to try to influence the voters who might think that he was not interested in their concerns, saying that he thought they could resolve their problems far better than any democrat.

Trump's tactic is not so surprising if you explain why so many Americans, including women, supported Trump's presidency in the first place.

Voters have often said that they wanted a fighter at the White House who does not just punch his critics – no matter what sex – lying. According to data from the Pew Research Center, it is the fighting personality of Trump, much more than his policies, that makes him popular with the grassroots despite his general unpopularity. And for many of these voters, no battle is worth being dismissed.

That's why, when Trump at a rally in Mississippi is laughed at the testimony before Congress of Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Brett M. Kavanaugh, recently confirmed in court supreme, sexual assault while they were teenagers, many in the crowd responded with laughter, applause and even songs of "Lock it up".

It is the constituents Trump wants – and needs – to remain energetic for several weeks, reminding them that he has brought another Conservative Supreme Court judge despite the protests of innumerable women on the left and he denied data suggesting that a "blue wave" arrives in November, mainly because of the voters coming together behind the candidates.

After all, even despite his refusal to recognize him to an Associated Press reporter on Tuesday, Trump realizes that the midterm elections will be considered a referendum on his presidency.

Earlier this month, he told a crowd of supporters: "I'm not on the ticket, but I'm on the ticket because it 's also a referendum about me and I' m on the ticket. disgusting stalemate by which they will pass this country. "

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