A white woman calls cops on a black daddy during a party


A Florida woman is shocked after apparently calling the police against a black father who was encouraging his son during a football match.

In an article on Facebook, Ginger Williams wrote that a woman at her son's football match Sunday in Ponte Vedra, Florida, reportedly started harassing a father after shouting "the referee is right!" To his son during the match.

"This woman, call her golf cart Gail, decided to take action and quickly approach this parent to remind him that harassment would not be tolerated," said Williams, adding that the father had told him that he was simply addressing his son.

"For some reason, Golfcart Gail just did not want to give up on that. She continued to harass and enslave this parent.

The situation at a child's soccer game is the latest in a series of incidents in which whites have called police against blacks to perform their daily tasks.

Williams added that the father had offered to leave to avoid an altercation, but that the woman would have "informed her that she was calling the police because she no longer felt safe with her threatening behavior. ".

A video clip obtained by PEOPLE showed the father interviewing the woman, asking why she was giving him a hard time. The woman is heard screaming after a close person, Maria Morales-Walther, who recorded the incident.

Chuck Mulligan, spokesman for the St. Johns County Sheriff, told PEOPLE that MPs had received the woman's call around 4 pm local hour. Mulligan said the woman on the golf cart, a marshal, reported that two parents were arguing.

However, the police arrived to find the father, "Cart Cart Gail" and Morales-Walther. In the video, the father is explained explaining that he was just training and encouraging his son. We also hear "Golf Cart Gail" telling the police that the man had accused him.

"This was nothing more than a verbal dispute," said Mulligan, noting that no charges had been laid in the incident. "We talked to the woman, we said," There is nothing criminal. Nobody did anything. "

It is not known if the woman identified herself with the parents as a marshal.

Gary Easom, president of the Ponte Vedra Athletic Association, said that a different father had been expelled from the game earlier for verbally abusing teen referees, according to First Coast News. Another mother was reprimanded for profaning blasphemy, said Easom.

Easom furthermore told NBC News in a statement that "the authorities have not been called solely for this particular incident, but because of the culmination of several previous immediate incidents".

He added that if the participants in the party did not heed the warnings, "the staff has no choice but to call the police," said Easom on NBC. "

Easom said at the exit: "Our team acted appropriately to protect the children."

In the video, we can hear "Golf Cart Gail": "I did not want anything like that", in response to the authorities who decided not to arrest the father.

Earlier this month, a white woman, New York's Teresa Klein, falsely accused a 9-year-old boy of having sexually assaulted her, according to the same source. Time. She later apologized amid media reactions. Over the weekend, Hilary Mueller was fired by a real estate agency for calling the police on a black man who lived in his apartment complex for attempting to go home, according to the newspaper. New York Times.

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