Eat this meat to stay healthy at an advanced age, according to a study


Regular exercise and a well-balanced diet can help you stay healthy with age. But one type of meat is particularly beneficial, according to a new report.

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Researchers at Tufts University recently conducted a study, published in the journal BMJ, to determine the link between omega-3 fatty acids, essential nutrients that help prevent and manage heart disease and increase the chances of to grow old in good health. the evaluation as "a significant life without major chronic diseases and with good physical and mental functions".

For the test, they examined 2,622 adults from 1992 to 2015, aged 74 years on average, who participated in the American Heart Health Study. Analysts measured participants' blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids at the start of the study. trial, at the mark of six years and again after 13 years.

After analyzing the results, they found that only 11% of the subjects remained in good health until old age, which they thought was due to omega-3 acids.

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While nutrients are found in foods such as nuts, green leafy vegetables and flaxseed oils, the results show that omega-3s found in seafood had the greatest effect. In fact, seafood containing omega-3s was associated with a risk of unhealthy aging reduced by 24%.

"These findings encourage the need for further investigation of plausible biological mechanisms and interventions related to n3-PUFAs. [omega-3s] for the maintenance of healthy aging and guidelines for increased food consumption of fish in older adults, "wrote the authors in a statement.

Scientists believe that omega-3s can prevent heart disease, depression and Alzheimer's disease, but additional research is needed to explore the benefits.

"Any evidence-based evidence to improve health in old age is welcome, but further efforts to accelerate this area of ​​research are essential," they concluded.

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