A 62-year-old man was found trapped in a mine filled with snakes for two days and survived


While the rest of us are crying for the end of Nathan for you and fearing to lose our nose statues, it turns out that some people are heroically dealing with real problems. Earlier this week, a 62-year-old man from Arizona accidentally fell into a 100-foot mine shaft and remained stuck there for two days, Fox10 Phoenix reported. Oh, and there were snakes. Venomous snake. And you thought you had a week of shit, right?

John Waddell went on Monday to the abandoned mine located near Aguila, Arizona. While he was there, he accidentally rolled into the pit, happily surviving the long fall but breaking both legs at the same time. And it was not even the worst. While Waddell was plunged into the dark, presumably cold, terrified and terribly hurt by massive bone fractures, he would have realized that he was not alone in the well: he was surrounded by snakes at bells.

Over the next two days, Waddell survived, fighting and killing three rattlesnakes with his bare hands before being able to bite him. He had no cell phone, so he shouted as loudly as he could, even though he probably knew that the well was deep and the mine was isolated and the chances that someone A heard happen were weak.

Fortunately, Waddell told his neighbor that he was going to the mine on Monday. When he never came home, the neighbor began to take action.

"He called me Monday to announce that he was going to the mine," FOX10 told Terry Schrader, a friend and neighbor of Waddell. "We have always had an agreement: he's not back on Tuesday, [come look for him] because he said he'd be back on Tuesday. "

Schrader went to the mine in search of Waddell and finally heard the faint cries coming from the mine shaft. "When I pulled out my truck, I heard him shout," Help, help! " "" Continued Schrader. "I've had enough [cellphone service] that the deputies were on their way ".

Schrader called 911 and soon rescuers arrived at the scene, trying to get his friend out of the mine shaft. After six hours, rescuers were finally able to bring Waddell back into the glorious light of the day. He was immediately flown to a nearby hospital, where he was treated for broken limbs and dehydration. It is unclear how many years of psychotherapy will be needed before he wakes up with dreams of snakes that cast him glances in the dark as a sort of Indiana piece. Jones, however.

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