Charles Barkley defends Markelle Fultz, calls idiots on Twitter


The Sixers' home opener Thursday night in South Philadelphia was a quick and relatively easy victory against the Chicago Bulls.

Joel Embiid has managed his attacking career. Ben Simmons made it all the way to a seemingly effortless triple-double. And Markelle Fultz shot the ball. A lot.

All eyes will be on the sophomore who missed most of last season to … problems and with two national televised games to start the season, the buzz around Markelle is palpable.

Fultz did not magically find the kind of killer rider that one could expect from the first choice last night, but he apparently found the confidence to take it. After missing some open appearances early in the game and missed his first shots, basketball experts on Twitter have expressed their dissatisfaction. Fultz may have benefited from the support of the 20,302 members of the Wells Fargo Center last night, which encouraged him to drop him, but the feeling of the supporters sitting at home was not that kind.

The TNT analyst, former excellent and brilliant Sixer, Charles Barkley, had a message to send to those happy people on Twitter who were following the game.

"Listen, let me talk to those pesky idiots on Twitter," said Barkley. [Markelle]. The kid fought mentally with his shot. We all shoot for him. That's why we're excited to see him succeed. You stay in your grandmother's basement with your drawers and tapping on your damn keyboard. Shut up, you mess. We shoot for Markelle Fultz. "

"All the people on the Internet who are mean, stay at home and live with their parents – like 32-year-olds living with their parents, take out their computer, watch the world go by, crumbs of biscuits on their stomachs."

I would not expect the polarizing nature of the Fultz coin to disappear in the next few months. It will certainly be one of the most intriguing stories to follow throughout the season.

Here's what some of Markelle's closest people had to say about his shooting last night:

Brett Brown"I felt that when he was shooting the ball, they continued to pass under the central pick. He pulled it to say it, he did not look scared. He missed the shots, but they looked good, and I think that in general, we played him a lot of minutes, he took the most shots among all the players in the game. team, I think his defense was very good. It's a big night for this young man.

Joel Embiid: "Everyone is always excited when he shoots a three. He's going to do that, he worked on his shot all summer, so it does not matter. I think the way he can help us is just to be a playmaker. When I'm on the floor with him, I feel really comfortable. He really knows how to find guys and understands that when someone needs the ball, it is there that he will help us a lot. "

Ben Simmons: "It's huge. Especially for him who's starting out, you want a guy like that to come hit the shots, shoot and feel comfortable and confident to go out.

Markelle Fultz: "I'm never afraid to take pictures. I have worked hard this summer. Tonight. I did not do a lot of shooting, but I will continue to shoot. If I see an open shot, I'll shoot it; That's why I worked. Tonight has not fallen, but eventually he will. I will continue to work. "

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