Jason James Richter of Free Willy Arrested for Domestic Violence


Save Willy star Jason James Richter arrested Monday, October 15 late in the day, for domestic violence, confirmed the Los Angeles Police Department to We weekly. He was released from prison two days later.

"Jason and his girlfriend were involved in a dispute that unfortunately escalated to the point that the police were called," said a Richter representative. We. "However, Jason vehemently denies any physical altercation. He is devastated that anyone has been led to believe otherwise. Jason was released on his own. The police have found no visible signs or bruises and there is every reason to believe that these false charges will be dropped. "

TMZ reported that the 38-year-old had asked his girlfriend if she had an affair with one of her colleagues, which had prompted her to go to a room in their San home Fernando Valley and lock the door.

According to the website, Richter reportedly broke the door and allegedly dragged his girlfriend into the living room. Four hours later, she reportedly went to the local police station and reported domestic violence.

Jason James Richter in the water in a movie scene 'Free Willy'
Jason James Richter in the water in a scene from the movie Free Willy Warner Brothers / Getty Images

TMZ said Richter had been accused of vandalism for breaking the door and a battery manager for an important man without physical injury.

The former child star is best known for playing Jesse in the 1993 drama Save Willy. He resumed his role in the aftermath of 1995 and 1997, Willy 2 free: the house of adventure and Willy free 3: rescue.

Richter also appeared in two music videos of Michael Jackson: "Will You Be There" and "Childhood".

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