Odell Beckham Jr. does not like water. Most normal people do not agree


Odell Beckham Jr. is in the news again, but this time it's not an interview with Josina Anderson who slowly evolved into a soft quarrel between Eli Manning and … Lil Wayne. Beckham has made waves on social media telling reporters he does not like water.

Right. A world-class athlete does not like water. A little weird!

He said the water gave him a "squishy" feeling in the stomach, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Beckham has received an IV in two games this season to help fight dehydration. It seems like he could get ahead by drinking water before the game.

For his part, Giants head coach Pat Shurmur said he was a big fan of water.

So, to get rid of Odell's aspiration, we went to ask people what they thought about water.

Pretty shocking, most people love the water

"Anyone who has seen Zoolander knows that moisture is the essence of moisture, and moisture is the essence of beauty. If you do not drink three Nalgenes a day in addition to sleeping 10 hours a night, what do you do, you know? "- Michael Katz, SB Nation

"Pretty essential things, I would say." – Robert Klemko, MMQB

The following quotes come from people I interviewed while I was in Washington, DC.

"I feel really crappy when I'm dehydrated."

"Sometimes, when people do not drink water, they die. For example, if you do not drink water for a while, but if you drink water, you could be fine.

"The water is good, but people love to caress their backs to drink it all the time and have fair skin."

"I like water. I like ice water."

"It keeps you young and fresh looking."

"It does not taste like anything, but it keeps my face from looking like a teenage girl."

It seems that water is actually quite popular. Water has many health benefits that go well beyond the non-restriction in NFL games.

Russell Wilson claimed that miracle water containing nanobulles had helped heal a concussion. It's an absurd speech, of course, but at least he uses his H2O. Tom Brady said drinking plenty of water prevented him from getting sunburn.

When I was growing up, and out in the sun, I had a lot of sunburn … These days, even though I get enough sun, I will not do it, which I credit to the amount of sun. 39 water that I have to drink … When I said this to my sister, she said, "You mean you do not have to use all these moisturizers and products for the face so that my skin is beautiful? … I think you should market your TB12 electrolytes as a beauty product. "

Of course, Tom. We will go with that.

Drink water, people. Do not be weird. It's good for you.

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