Joaquin Castro asks for an investigation into whether Jared Kushner shared the intelligence that led to Khashoggi's death


The Democratic representative Joaquin Castro of Texas suggested Friday that there could be a link between the death of Washington Post The close relationship of writer Jamal Khashoggi and Jared Kushner with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (known as MBS).

The Congressman, who is considered one of the leading contenders in the Senate in 2020, has called for an investigation into this. However, Castro cited unspecified information when CNN appeared to confirm his allegations.

According to reports, Jared Kushner, together with the US intelligence services, handed over a blacklist, a list of enemies, to the crown prince, to MBS, in Saudi Arabia, and the prince might have acted on it. took action against Mr. Khashoggi, "Castro said.

GettyImages-935169698 Senior White House advisor Jared Kushner listens to a member of the Saudi delegation at a meeting between President Donald Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman at the White House Oval Office on March 20 . Kevin Dietsch-Pool / Getty Images

CNN's Poppy Harlow interrupted Castro to explain that the news network had not reported anything like that, but Castro insisted that he had "seen reports in that sense … there was a need to investigate this." .

In a statement to Newsweek Castro made it clear that he had no intention of insinuating that Jared Kushner was sending result lists to MBS, but he thought that there might have been a leakage of information.

"To be clear, I did not intend to accuse Jared Kushner of orchestrating the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. But, according to several press reports, the close relations between Kushner and Mohammad bin Salman are worrying the US intelligence sector and those of us who want a transparent US foreign policy, "Castro said.

"This is particularly problematic given the companies of the president and his family and the possibility that they benefit from these foreign entities. For these reasons, Congress should open an investigation to determine whether Jared or any other administration official shared American intelligence with the Saudis that allegedly led to political persecution, including Jamal Khashoggi's assassination. he continued.

Reports have shown that Kushner, senior White House advisor and son-in-law of President Donald Trump, and MBS have a friendly relationship, and that they often chat with the help of the popular WhatsApp email service. Kushner also had dinner with the prince in Washington and Riyadh, the Saudi capital.

Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi was a Saudi journalist working for The Washington Post and living in Virginia. On October 2, he was last seen in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Turkey with the intention of receiving a document stating that he was divorced in order to marry his fiancee. He was not seen leaving the consulate and now seems to be missing. It is widely believed that the Saudi government orchestrated his assassination.

Trump initially denied these assertions, insisting that the King of Saudi Arabia had "very strongly" denied the incident and hinted that "there could be some" rogue assassins "after Khashoggi. Later in the week, however, the president changed his tone and said that "it certainly looks like" that Khashoggi had been killed at the consulate. "It's very sad," he said, adding that if Saudi Arabia was involved in the killing, the sanctions would be "severe", I mean it's bad, bad. We'll see what happens. D & # 39; AGREEMENT "?

An initial investigation revealed audio recordings and witnesses confirming that Kashoggi was probably tortured and dismembered at the consulate. New images show a man who looks like an MBS assistant entering the consulate shortly before Kashoggi.

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