The fate of Bullseye in 'Daredevil & # 39; Season 3 is actually a major Easter egg


Spoilers for everyone Daredevil Season 3 follows. There is not enough room in New York for two Daredevils and Wilson Fisk ends the impostor he created in Daredevil Season 3. The spine of Bullseye is broken Daredevil and although the Dex agent is eliminated from the final fight with Fisk and Matt, it is also a major Marvel Easter egg. In the comics, Bullseye also breaks his back – but that does not mark the end of Bullseye nor his hatred for Daredevil.

Although the cause of his damaged spine is different, Bullseye in comics has the same fate as his Netflix counterpart. In Daredevil No. 181, Bullseye escapes from prison and kills Elektra. He is jealous because she has succeeded him as the number one killer of Kingpin. But obviously, it's far from acceptable with Daredevil that Bullseye has killed the love of his life. So when they fight, Daredevil seems to actually let Bullseye die. Daredevil had already saved Bullseye from death in No. 169, which he dislikes (much like Fisk wants Matt to kill him in the season 3 finale instead of going to jail). So, Bullseye does not want Daredevil to save him, but it's still shocking to see Daredevil let Bullseye collapse until his death.

But Bullseye does not die. Instead, he is shown in a hospital bed with a broken spine. His internal monologue says:

"You've just been lucky, that's all, I could have beaten you, I've almost done it, the next time I … Oh, of course, I know that." You think that there will be no Next time you are wrong, Daredevil, you are wrong, the prison can not prevent me, any more than this prison that you inflicted on my body … My back is broken, I do not feel my arms or my legs, I can not even speak, but can I hatred. I hate you more than ever. And that will suffice. No matter how many months and years it takes, I will recover. And then I will come back for you. Hold on…"


While Fisk is to blame for his broken spine on television, Dex, mentally unstable, will probably take it to Daredevil. Especially if Fisk is inaccessible in a prison cell. Now that Julie (her "North Star") is dead and her body is broken, Dex can truly become Bullseye. And there is no need to be wrong, since the season ends with a zoom shot in the eyes. So this comic Bullseye connection with a promising vengeance is particularly worrying for Daredevil. And to add to how Bullseye will be a villain in the coming seasons, the Netflix series has offered viewers another gem inspired by comics.

The surgery in the series suggests that Bullseye will have some kind of power beyond his natural abilities. This is further reinforced by the fact that the doctor's name is Oyama. Kenji Oyama, in the Marvel Comics, is named after Lord Dark Wind. He wants to make the ultimate soldier and he does it using the steel alloy adamantium on the human skeleton.


Adamantium is the same metal found in Wolverine's skeleton and Oyama heals Bullseye's spine in comics with. For the television show, Dr. Oyama uses cogmium steel, a metal that briefly introduced the Iron fist comics. Whatever the case may be, the experimental operation of Dr. Oyama will probably make Bullseye a soldier even more effective than he was before.

So, Bullseye could very well be a supervillain when he will inevitably face Matt in the coming seasons. In season 3, Matt was already worried about not being able to defeat Dex himself and with a spike in super metal, Bulleye's goal could be even more deadly. This means that viewers have to expect a lot of Bullseye Daredevil ahead and to make Dex's capabilities all the more terrifying.

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