Representative Jason Lewis is mocking the victims of sexual harassment as a radio presenter – and that's not all.


A Republican congressman running for reelection faces a violent reaction for the second time this year, after comments he made on his old radio show resurfaced. According to CNN's KFILE, Jason Lewis, the Minnesota representative, once mocked women who described sexual harassment as traumatic and suggested that the law on sexual harassment was "ridiculous". Bustle reached out to Lewis for a comment.

After reviewing Jason Lewis's showCNN reported that "in 2011, Lewis had questioned the impact of sexual harassment during a discussion of allegations of sexual misconduct against the presidential candidate." Republican Herman Cain. Cain denied the allegations at the time and was never charged with criminal charges, but according to the guardianCain admitted that the women who accused her of sexual harassment received a settlement.

"I do not want to be insensitive here, but how traumatic was it?" Lewis said at a November 2011 show. "How many women at one point in their lives do they have a man who comes to see them, puts their hand on their shoulder or maybe even the thighs, kisses them, and they would prefer that not happen, but is it really something that will be etched in your memory for therapy? "

"Will not you ever finish?" Lewis added, in a voice that CNN described as mocking an emotionally distraught woman. "This was the most traumatic experience? Go! She was not raped."

During several shows in 2011, Lewis described the law on sexual harassment as "foolish", "uncontrollable" and even as an attempt to "distort our rights to freedom of expression".

"As you know, I've been a staunch defender of Mr. Cain's allegations of sexual harassment because I hate the law on sexual harassment," said Lewis at the time. "The law on sexual harassment prints to the viewer's eye all that he wants.The law is wide enough to pass a half-turn.It's actually a simple albatross around the all Americans' neck to someone who does not like them. "

The law on sexual harassment was not the only subject that Lewis had denigrated in his old radio show. A CNN review published earlier this year revealed that Lewis had also stereotyped female voters and lamented that women can no longer be described as "sluts". In a February 2012 broadcast, Lewis appeared to be defending radio host Rush Limbaugh, who described Sandra Fluke, a law student in Georgetown, as a "bitch" after she advocated for accessible birth control. .

"Now, are we beyond those days when a woman can behave like a slut, but you can not call her a slut?" Lewis said at the time. "In the old days women were subject to a little higher standards, we needed modesty from women."

CNN reportedly received a letter of "stop and abstain" from a law firm representing the radio network that produced Lewis' broadcast. However, CNN has nevertheless published and transcribed this audio, citing the doctrine of "fair use".

According to HuffPost, Lewis is running for reelection in Minnesota's second district, where he narrowly won his seat in the House in 2016. CNN announced that the race between Lewis and his Democratic opponent, Angie Craig, would likely be competitive.

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