MLB 2018 after-season: Chris Sale says the hospital visit was due to a navel ring | MLB


Chris Sale was scheduled to start the fifth game of the American AHL series on Thursday, but was injured after being hospitalized for an illness last weekend.

This disease, Sale said, was caused by a belly button ring. This is not a joke.

"I had an irritation caused by a belly button ring," Sale told reporters Saturday, via the Boston Herald. "The constant comings and goings have caused irritation. The doctors and nurses at the Massachusetts General Hospital were great. Things happen. You manipulate them. And keep moving.

The start of Sale's game 5 was postponed to match 6 in Boston, but he never had to take the mound again as David Price took a three-day break on Thursday and pitched six white innings to win the victory and give the Red Sox the American League pennant.

Dirty will now start the first game of the World Series on Tuesday in Boston. It is not known whether or not he will wear the navel ring.

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