A jump in time would mean that Captain America and Iron Man do not meet on screen


There are rumors that Avengers 4 will involve a five-year time hike, which, if true, means that we will never actually see Captain America and Iron Man coming together on the big screen, and that the fundamental conflict of Captain America: Civil War.

The tent Avengers movies have always struggled to integrate all the elements of previous films. Thor, for example, ended with the destruction of the Rainbow Bridge, which means that the god of thunder would not have been able to go to Earth, a problem that Joss Whedon dismissed with a disposable mention of "black magic" in The Avengers. Iron Man 3 Tony Stark destroyed all his previous armor and will settle for life with Pepper – but again, Whedon chooses to ignore that in Avengers: the era of Ultron. same Avengers: Infinity War struggled with the same problem. There is a strange discontinuity between the end of Thor: Ragnarok and the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War. Apparently, the script for War of InfinityThe opening scene was being worked on before Marvel even decided how Thor: Ragnarok It could end.

Related: Avengers: Infinity War skips a lot of important things

The fundamental problem is that these Avengers movies have so many different characters and ideas at play at a time. Avengers: Infinity War had the biggest cast to date, and had to somehow balance giving all heroes a time out against focusing on the story of Thanos and Infinity Stones. The stakes are even greater in Avengers 4, and the reports of a time jump suggest that a major character arc will not be resolved.

The culmination of the civil war has not been solved yet

Marvel's first phase 3 film, Captain America: Civil War, transformed the landscape of the MCU. A philosophical dispute over the recording of the superheroes caused a schism among the Avengers, James Rhodes having been seriously injured by a friendly shot. At the end of the film, the gap became much more personal. Tony Stark learned that the Winter Soldier was responsible for the death of his parents and that Steve Rogers knew about it. The two men even had problems, each one barely succeeding in refraining from killing the other.

Following Captain America: Civil WarSteve Rogers and his closest friends – Falcon, Black Widow and of course Bucky – ended up being illegal vigilantes, fugitives of justice. Iron Man briefly attempted to reform the Avengers, but eventually abandoned the idea simply because few people wanted to work with him. He was given a burner phone with which he could contact Steve Rogers if he needed help; but, although Stark kept this phone with him, he never used it.

Marvel originally intended to solve this arc Avengers: Infinity War. The plan was for Rogers and Stark to come face to face halfway through the film and be forced to overcome their past wounds. Unfortunately, as War of Infinity Co-scriptwriter Stephen McFeely noted that every time they tried this in a rough draft, it ended the script of the film. As he explains:

"[It] meant that you slow down your Thanos [Infinity] Rocks [quest] to deal with other threats from other movies. And that became, as much as we wanted to do, and every time we wrote these scenes, it became clear that this film had to be propulsive and relate to Thanos and what it meant to the Avengers.

Related: Avengers Theory 4: Dead Heroes Belong to the Quantum Realm

It was undoubtedly the right decision in terms of the film's overall history. But that means that a major thread needs to be solved.

Page 2 of 2: What rumor noise means to Steve and Tony

Key release dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: March 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) release date: May 03, 2019
  • Spider-Man: Away from Home (2019) release date: Jul 05, 2019

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