37 updates since the beginning of the series (Photos)


Before you start Making a Murder Part 2, let's see how the first season of "Making a Murderer" changed the case of Steven Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey, convicted of the murder of Teresa Halbach in 2005.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Make a murderer is released"data-reactid =" 23 ">Make a murderer is released

The documentary was released on December 18, 2015. At first, it received an 87% approval rate on rotten tomatoes.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Ken Kratz was beaten on Yelp"data-reactid =" 25 ">Ken Kratz was beaten on Yelp

One week after the doc was released, doc fans went to Yelp to warn potential new customers to check the Yelp page of their law firm against hiring.

"Mr. Kratz is a seasoned sexual harasser who has extensive knowledge of the abuse victims he has benefited from, has extensive experience in the production of evidence and possesses the required strategic thinking skills. to send innocent men to jail for counterfeit crimes, "wrote a man in a Yelp account published on Sunday." When you think of garbage, think of Mr. Kratz, he is the living representation of the man. " immorality and indecency you need at your side to solve any legal problem. "

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Read also: The Attorney for the Target "The Murderer": Attorney Ken Kratz – On his Yelp page "data-reactid =" 28 ">Read also: Ken Kratz – On his Yelp page

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Petition from the White House"data-reactid =" 29 ">Petition from the White House

A petition to the White House was issued shortly after the documentary was published, asking for the grace of Avery and Dassey. It took 100,000 signatures before January 19 to qualify for an official White House review.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Read also: The White House petition on the murder of a murderer exceeds 100,000 signatures "data-reactid =" 31 ">Read also: The White House petition "Make a murderer" exceeds 100,000 signatures

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Steven Avery can not be neglected by Obama"data-reactid =" 32 ">Steven Avery can not be neglected by Obama

Although there has been a petition from the White House to forgive Avery, President Barack Obama is banned by the Constitution from forgiving him because he was sentenced by a state court.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Read also: Steven Avery can not be forgiven by Obama: "Why" data-reactid = "34">Read also: "Make a murderer" Steven Avery can not be forgiven by Obama: here's why

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Events outside the courthouse"data-reactid =" 35 ">Events outside the courthouse

In January, people demonstrated in front of the Manitowoc County Courthouse.

Supporters came from as far as Texas, Florida and Oregon. The event was broadcast live on Periscope and attracted hundreds of people online, including some from abroad, such as Belgium.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The family has launched a fundraising website"data-reactid =" 38 ">The family has launched a fundraising website

In January, the uncle / nephew combo convicted of murdering a local photographer launched a fundraising website with his family in order to raise money to fund another defense effort.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Steven Avery hires a new lawyer"data-reactid =" 40 ">Steven Avery hires a new lawyer

Avery hired Kathleen Zellner, an Illinois-based lawyer specializing in wrongful convictions, in January.

"The Zellner law firm is eager to add Mr. Avery to his long list of wrongful conviction exemptions," said Zellner's statement.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Steven Avery's ex-fiancee calls him a "monster", not "innocent""data-reactid =" 43 ">Steven Avery's ex-fiancee calls him a "monster", not "innocent"

Jodi Stachowski, Avery's ex-fiancée, says he is a "monster" and that he "is not innocent" in the murder of Halbach.

In an interview with HLN's Nancy Grace in January, Stachowski admitted that she had eaten two boxes of rat poison just so I could go to the hospital to take leave of her and ask them to call the police . "

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Halbach's family thinks the doctor is 'terrible'"data-reactid =" 46 ">Halbach's family thinks the doctor is 'terrible'

"It's terrible," Kay Giordana, Teresa Halbach's aunt, told People. "I can not believe it's out. It's really regrettable.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Bomb threat against the sheriff of Manitowoc County"data-reactid =" 48 ">Bomb threat against the sheriff of Manitowoc County

On February 3, a bomb threat was issued in the Sheriff's Department. The authorities claim that the appellant stated that there were "bombs in the building" and that he was "getting justice" for Steven Avery, the man in the foreground of the series , who was convicted of the murder of Teresa Halbach after being exonerated for rape. he did not commit.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The discovery investigation released a special on the case"data-reactid =" 50 ">The discovery investigation released a special on the case

The special broadcast aired in February claimed that 16 people had testified to find out where he was, claiming that Avery could not be the sex offender of Penny Beernsten in 1985 and that all the blood flasks had a perforation hole (this was a key piece of evidence used to suggest that law enforcement had framed Avery), among other revelations.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Suggested transcripts Steven Avery wrongly touched Brendan Dassey"data-reactid =" 52 ">Suggested transcripts Steven Avery wrongly touched Brendan Dassey

In February, TheWrap got transcripts of a May 13, 2006 interview in which Dassey told the police that Avery was sometimes trying to grab his penis "through the pants." In a phone call to his mother, Barb Tadych, Dassey told the police that Avery would "catch me somewhere where I was uncomfortable."

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "But Brendan Dassey denied sexual abuse"data-reactid =" 56 ">But Brendan Dassey denied sexual abuse

After telling TheWrap that journalists and lawyers had ignored the possibility that Avery was attacking Dassey, a 2006 mental assessment revealed the psychologist Robert H. Gordon's conclusion that Dassey had not been assaulted.

"Brendan said he has no history of physical or sexual abuse," Gordon wrote.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Steven Avery Jr. does not know if his father is guilty"data-reactid =" 59 ">Steven Avery Jr. does not know if his father is guilty

Avery's son had "no idea" if his father was guilty of the murder of Teresa Halbach, for whom he is currently serving a life sentence.

"I have no idea," Steven Avery Jr. told Crime Watch Daily in an interview. "I mean … only one person can answer that question and that is Teresa. But she can not answer it anymore.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Ken Kratz, Michael Griesbach Publish Tell-All Books"data-reactid =" 62 ">Ken Kratz, Michael Griesbach Publish Tell-All Books

Kratz and Michael Griesbach, the latter being a prosecutor charged with helping Avery out of his first case, have written a revealing book chronicling the case and his portrayal in "Making a Murderer."

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Kathleen Zellner says there is "a couple" of new suspects"data-reactid =" 64 ">Kathleen Zellner says there is "a couple" of new suspects

In a detailed profile published in March by Newsweek, Zellner said he found "a couple" of suspects, two men who knew Halbach.

"We have a couple," said Zellner, a specialist in wrongful convictions. "I would say there is one that leads a lot to the peloton. But I do not want to scare him, I do not want him to leave. "

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Ken Kratz admitted to suicidal thinking"data-reactid =" 67 ">Ken Kratz admitted to suicidal thinking

Ken Kratz told Dr. Drew that he had suicidal thoughts after "it all went to waste," referring to the Avery case and an Associated Press report exposing racy texts. that he had sent to a 25-year-old woman while Kratz was chasing her ex boyfriend.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Kathleen Zellner will be in the suite"data-reactid =" 69 ">Kathleen Zellner will be in the suite

In May, Laura Ricciardi, one of the directors, told TimeOut London that Moira Demos and she "had talked to Kathleen Zellner about the potential of filming with her and continuing the story."

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Prison emails have been released"data-reactid =" 71 ">Prison emails have been released

In June, USA Today obtained more than 1,900 pages of emails after the publication requested the documents, on January 26, the newspaper opened a law on the record. The paper asked for emails sent or received by staff regarding Avery, Dassey or "Making a Murderer".

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = ""Make a murderer" gets new episodes"data-reactid =" 73 ">"Make a murderer" gets new episodes

In July, it was announced that "Making a Murderer" would return to Netflix with new episodes already in production.

Upcoming payments will follow with murderer Steven Avery and his co-defendant, Brendan Dassey, as their investigative teams and respective lawyers challenge their convictions.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The conviction of Brendan Dassey is reversed "data-reactid =" 76 ">The conviction of Brendan Dassey is reversed

In August, Dassey's conviction was overturned.

Federal Judge William E. Duffin, who had ordered the adoption of a habeas corpus petition, said that his imprisonment was illegal because his confession to the murder of Teresa Halbach was unintentional.

In making this decision, Duffin wrote that the "fault" of Len Kachinsky, the lawyer appointed by Dassey's court, was "indefensible".

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Motion in evidence filed"data-reactid =" 80 ">Motion in evidence filed

On August 27, Zellner filed a petition demanding physical evidence of the murder of Teresa Halbach for additional scientific tests that she said did not exist during the trial.

In the filing, Zellner revealed that "Mr. Avery has already performed a series of tests that will conclusively establish her innocence "and she intends to reveal the identity of another suspect once the test results are obtained.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Zellner teases the decision of Brendan Dassey"data-reactid =" 83 ">Zellner teases the decision of Brendan Dassey

Zellner teased documentary and media fans on September 2, tweeting a photo of a man she helped to exonerate in a murder case, which had held a sign saying "C & # 39; is finished." of Dassey.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "State will appeal Brendan Dassey's overturn conviction"data-reactid =" 85 ">State will appeal Brendan Dassey's overturn conviction

The state of Wisconsin has announced that it will appeal Dassey's overturned conviction, saying his confessions "were voluntary and the investigators did not use constitutionally unlawful tactics".

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Steven Avery is engaged"data-reactid =" 87 ">Steven Avery is engaged

On September 24, news was announced that Avery would be engaged. The fiancée is Lynn Hartman, identified as a legal secretary – who might be useful – from Las Vegas. The couple would be in a relationship for eight months, but only met once in person.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Brendan Dassey will be released"data-reactid =" 89 ">Brendan Dassey will be released

On November 14, a judge ordered the release of Dassey, pending a new trial.

According to court documents obtained by TheWrap, Judge William E. Duffin, trial judge, granted Dassey's application for release under the supervision of his US probation office. Dassey will not be allowed to obtain a passport and will only be able to travel in the Eastern District of Wisconsin. He is not allowed to own a weapon or controlled substances.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Wisconsin DOJ files emergency petition"data-reactid =" 92 ">Wisconsin DOJ files emergency petition

On Tuesday, Attorney General Brad Schimel filed an urgent motion suspending Dassey's release.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Dassey will be home for Thanksgiving"data-reactid =" 94 ">Dassey will be home for Thanksgiving

Dassey will be home for Thanksgiving after the judge of his case dismissed the state's latest petition.

According to a statement from the Wisconsin Justice Department obtained by TheWrap, Dassey will be released from prison by Friday at 8 pm Attorney General Brad Schimel plans to file an urgent appeal with the Seventh Circuit US Court of Appeal on Wednesday seeking a stay of the release order.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "No, he will not be home for Thanksgiving"data-reactid =" 97 ">No, he will not be home for Thanksgiving

On November 17, the judge ordered that Dassey remain in jail pending an appeal of his sentenced sentence, said Attorney General Brad Schimel.

"A few moments ago, the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit granted the Wisconsin State's motion to suspend the order of US Judge William Duffin to release Mr. Brendan Dassey. Mr Dassey will remain in prison pending the outcome of the appeal, "said Schimel's office in a statement.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Another inmate says that Avery confessed to the murder"data-reactid =" 100 ">Another inmate says that Avery confessed to the murder

Joseph Evans, who is serving a life sentence for the murder of his wife, says in a nine-page letter published in the Rockford Advocate that Avery described the rape and murder of Halbach.

"He said that he had put the knife to Teresa's throat while he was guiding her to her room," Evans wrote. "Steven said Teresa was crying and begging him not to kill her."

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Zellner says Teresa Halbach may have been murdered by ex-boyfriend"data-reactid =" 103 ">Zellner says Teresa Halbach may have been murdered by ex-boyfriend

In June, Zellner filed a post-conviction notice in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, alleging that Teresa Halbach's ex-boyfriend may have killed her.

On the record, Zellner notes that Halbach had an abusive relationship with Ryan Hillegas prior to his murder and that jealousy could have been his motivation for the murder, while Halbach had not shown a romantic interest in him.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The Federal Court of Appeal confirms that Dassey's confession was forced"data-reactid =" 106 ">The Federal Court of Appeal confirms that Dassey's confession was forced

In June of this year, a federal appeals court upheld the decision that Dassey's conviction would have been forced and he should be released from prison.

The majority of the three-judge jury concurred with Justice William Duffin's ruling last August that Dasey's confession of Teresa Halbach's murder was unintentional and that the investigators had violated Dassey's rights.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "State demands again in Dassey case"data-reactid =" 109 ">State demands again in Dassey case

In July, the Wisconsin Department of Justice asked the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit to hold a rehearing after the Federal Court of Appeal declared that his conviction had been forced.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "New trial for Avery"data-reactid =" 111 ">New trial for Avery

In October, a Wisconsin judge denied a new trial to Avery.

Judge Angela Sutkiewicz found that Avery had failed to "establish any grounds for triggering the right to a new trial in the interests of justice".

Zellner then told TheWrap that she would file a motion to quash the judge's order and that she was considering conducting additional tests and amending her motion with new witness affidavits.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Judge again rejects Avery's application for re-trial"data-reactid =" 115 ">Judge again rejects Avery's application for re-trial

In November, Avery's request for a new trial was again rejected by Judge Sutkiewicz.

According to Post-Crescent, this decision comes after Zellner appealed his statements to a higher court.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Netflix will release making a murder part 2"data-reactid =" 118 ">Netflix will release making a murder part 2

Netflix has officially announced a season season in September 2018. "Making a Murderer Part 2" will be broadcast worldwide on October 19th. It is today!

Read the original story 'Make a murderer' Part 2: 37 updates since the beginning of the series (Photos) on TheWrap

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