Trump rallies in districts won by Clinton before midterms


President Trump is in his happy place – the election campaign.

With two weeks of crucial mid-term elections, he is at the top of the list of up to four rallies a week and holds a large number of them in constituencies that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.

This may be a sign that he believes in his own hype, that the chances of the Democrats to win a great victory on November 6 have decreased and that the GOP could reverse the trends. The party that controls the White House historically loses Congress seats midway through a presidential election.

"You know, I think the blue wave is breaking fast," Trump told a turbulent crowd in Elko, Nevada on Saturday.

"All the Democrats want is power, and they signed this agreement," he said. "Does not look like a blue wave."

Trump was in Elko, a city of less than 20,000 people in northeastern Nevada, the first day of advance voting in the state to push for the candidacy of Sen. Dean Heller, the GOP's most threatened senator.

Both were once fierce enemies. Heller is opposed to Trump throughout the 2016 primaries and, before the elections, said he was "99% against him".

What a difference a midway makes.

"Mr. President, you know a little about gold," said Heller on Saturday. "In fact, I think everything you touch turns into gold."

Their compensation reflects a remarkable change in a Republican party whose leaders were once almost completely hostile to the foreign president.

"Today, there is no daylight between Trump and the Republicans," said Minneapolis political blogger John Hinderaker. "If you want to see where the Republican Party is, attend a Trump rally."

While Trump's national approval rating is around 44%, it is extremely popular in many areas between the coasts.

Since October, his election campaign has focused almost exclusively on the hearts of the United States – Arizona, Kansas and Ohio. And it's not just trying to protect vulnerable incumbents.

In blue and purple cities like Rochester, Minnesota and Missoula, in Mount Royal, Trump's one-man show appeared to be aimed at encouraging his followers under the radar to come out of hiding.

"Rochester, Minnesota, is a very moderate place," Hinderaker said.

The city chose Clinton in 2016 with a margin of 1% and the two Senate seats are in the hands of the Democrats.

"He has gathered a huge and enthusiastic crowd for a happy, optimistic and inspiring gathering," Hinderaker said on October 2. "Then people tweeted:" I love America. "I think this feeling persists even in people who have not attended."

"The excitement and the spirit are out of breath," tweeted Trump after his rally on Oct. 13 in Richmond, Kentucky. "Something important is happening – watch!"

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