Pelosi heckled by Miami Republicans and Proud Boys during election campaign


Leader of the minority Nancy PelosiNancy Patricia's Alesandro PelosiTrump gives a boost to McSally and denigrates Sinema in Arizona Countdown to the elections: donations from small donors explode | Russian woman accused of meddling mid-term | Remember the Senate debate in North Dakota | O & # 39; Rourke gives the "no definitive" to 2020 | Democrats hope Latino voters will turn to Arizona. Democratic candidate denounces attacks on rap. MORE (D-Calif.) Was confronted Friday in Florida to protesters organized by a local republican group and a local group of "Proud Boys", who chanted pro-Trump slogans and criticized the Democratic House president as " Communist".

The video of the confrontation recorded by a member of the "Proud Boys" shows protesters holding placards and cursing Pelosi as she entered an election campaign for Donna Shalala, the Democratic candidate in the 27th district of Florida.

"Look at this piece of sh-t Pelosi," we heard screaming in the cameraman.

"You are not belonging here, you are a communist f-k," a voice on the video also says. "You and your future democrats."

The Pelosi office told The Hill, in a statement, that it was ironic to hear President TrumpDonald John TrumpCorker: The United States Should Determine The Responsibility Of The Death Of A Saudi Journalist Five Conclusions To Be Withheld From The Heller-Rosen Hollywood Debate In Nevada A Senator Calls For US Action After An Explanation "absurd" in Arabia Accuse Democrats of being part of an angry "crowd" after events such as the Florida protest. The Southern Poverty Law Center regards the Proud Boys as a hate group for its anti-immigrant and racist views shared by its members.

"It is deeply sad but not surprising that we are now seeing this ugliness rise up," spokesman Drew Hammill told the post. "It's amazing that Republicans have the nerve to call the" survivors "of a courageous sexual assault Republicans must condemn this vile and dangerous behavior and put an end to the reckless and dangerous rhetoric that encourages it .

Florida Democratic Party President Terrie Rizzo also reacted to the news by calling the Miami-Dade County Republican Party President to resign following the Miami GOP protest with a "well-known hate group" .

"It is appalling that Nelson Diaz, president of the Miami Dade GOP, is campaigning alongside a well-known hate group and welcoming his party members, and he should resign immediately and take with him anybody who adheres to the Proud ideas. Boys, "Rizzo said in a press release.

The confrontation came a day after Proud Boys' founder Gavin McInnes announced that several members of his group would have surrendered to police for beatings recorded outside a Republican club. in New York at the beginning of the month.

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