The exposure of men to nicotine can also harm the unborn child


Washington: Several studies have discussed the dangers of women who smoke during pregnancy. However, according to a recent study, men's exposure to nicotine can also cause problems for future generations of their children.

The Florida State University College of Medicine study of mice has yielded results suggesting that nicotine exposure in men could lead to cognitive deficits in their children and grandchildren. Further studies will be needed to find out if the same results as in mice would apply to humans.

The results were published in the journal PLOS Biology.

"Our data raise the possibility that some of the cognitive impairments found in the current generation of children and adults are attributable to environmental stresses sustained by the environment one or more years ago. two generations, "said Pradeep Bhide.

"Smoking was more common and more easily accepted by the population in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s than today, and could this exposure be a marked increase in the number of diagnoses of neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD and autism? "

The study found that changes in father's sperm attributed to nicotine exposure resulted in genes problems playing a role in memory and learning. According to Bhide, these epigenetic changes are temporary, although some may last a long time. Further research is needed to understand the duration of the changes, he said.

The harmful effects of nicotine on the cells of the lungs and brain are part of the evidence cited in the prescriptions given by doctors to avoid smoking. Research has shown that nicotine affects germ cells or alters sperm DNA.

Nicotine exposure in women is recognized as an important risk factor for behavioral disorders such as ADHD. In men, there was previously insufficient evidence to separate genetic risk factors from environmental influences.

"Doctors can not warn men that their smoking could harm the unborn child, even if the mother never smoked," said Bhide. "I think our study puts that in the foreground," he concluded.

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