5 Myths About Influenza Vaccines


Following the worst flu season in years, Michigan public health officials are urging Michigan residents to get the flu vaccine for 2018-2019 at the earliest.

"The influenza vaccine is the best mechanism we can use to fight this serious and life-threatening disease," said Bob Swanson, director of the immunization program at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

The Most Deadly Year in Michigan: Watch the 1918 Flu Epidemic

Exceptions to universal vaccination: Infants under 6 months; those with a life-threatening allergy to the ingredients of a vaccine, such as eggs or gelatin, and those who suffer from Gullian-Barre syndrome. Sick people should wait to be in good health to get the flu shot or consult their doctor, according to the CDC.

Thousands of Michigan residents have been hospitalized for the flu in 2017-2018. Nationally, an estimated 80,000 deaths from influenza and its complications last winter make it the most deadly flu season since 1976, according to the Federal Center for Control and Prevention diseases.

In previous seasons, the number of flu-related deaths ranged from a low of about 12,000 people during the 2011-2012 season to a peak of about 56,000 people during the 2012-2013 period.

According to MDHHS data, approximately 29% of Michigan children under 18 and about 28% of adults have been vaccinated against influenza during the 2017-18 season.

Low vaccination rates are of concern to Michigan public health officials, who say flu-like misunderstandings abound.

Here are some myths.

Myth 1: The flu vaccine does not work.

It is certainly true that people who get the flu shot can still do it. However, studies show that the vaccine can reduce the risk of getting the flu by 40-60%.

And even when people get the flu, those who have been vaccinated are less likely to become seriously ill. The CDC says in a recent study that influenza vaccines reduce the risk of admission to an intensive care unit by 82%.

"I wish the flu shot was more effective, but it's better than no protection at all," said Swanson. "It may not protect you fully, but one thing that's really good is to protect yourself from a serious illness."

Myth 2: You can get the flu with the flu vaccine.

Since influenza vaccines are made with a killed virus or a single gene from an influenza virus, there is no chance of catching the flu with the vaccine, says the CDC.

According to the CDC, the most common side effects of influenza vaccines are pain, redness, tenderness or swelling at the place where the vaccine was administered. Low fever, headaches and muscle aches may also occur for one or two days.

"In blinded randomized trials, where some people get inactivated flu shots and others get vaccinated with salt water, the only difference between the symptoms was increased arm pain and redness at the site. injection in people who get vaccinated: differences in body aches, fever, cough, runny nose or sore throat, "says the CDC.

Swanson points out that it takes 10 to 2 weeks for an influenza vaccine to be effective. This means that it is possible for a person to be exposed to the flu just before receiving the vaccine and then getting the flu before the vaccine takes effect.

"I think that happens often," said Swanson. "People get vaccinated because there are all these cases of flu and they are exposed before getting vaccinated."

Myth 3: If you are young and healthy and / or never get sick, you do not need to be vaccinated against the flu.

Being young and healthy is not a protection against the flu – and the good news for these people is that the flu vaccine is best for this demographic.

In addition, this group is also essential to limit the spread of the disease. When healthy people avoid getting the flu, it means that the most vulnerable people in the population – including babies too young to be vaccinated and older people for whom the vaccine is less effective – have fewer risks. to be infected.

"The vaccine works best with children and young adults," said Swanson. "It's not as effective with the elderly, even though it's often the ones who need the most protection."

A recent study suggests that the number of people vaccinated is more important to protect lives than the actual effectiveness of the vaccine each season.

Myth 4: Doctors encourage influenza vaccination at the request of the pharmaceutical industry.

Skeptics about vaccinations often suggest that influenza vaccines are being pushed by a medical community plagued by the pharmaceutical industry.

That's not true, Swanson said.

"Doctors' offices do not receive bribes for the administration of an influenza vaccine," he said. "They are pushing flu shots because they care about their patients."

Also consider that influenza vaccines are promoted by public health officials around the world – from Russia to Canada to the UK. Notice that includes countries with socialized health care, where doctors are protected from Big Pharma's lobbying.

From the World Health Organization: "Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent infection and the serious consequences of influenza viruses."

Myth 5: It is better to be vaccinated than the flu shot.

Some take what they consider to be a cautious approach: it is better to risk getting the flu than risking complications with the flu shot.

Health officials say it's a very bad bet, especially for high-risk people such as pregnant women or those with chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes.

"The most common reactions in influenza vaccines are considerably less serious than the symptoms caused by influenza illness," says the CDC.

Do not forget that tens of thousands of people die every year in the country after contracting the flu and many more people are hospitalized.

Last winter, in Michigan, 1,616 people – including 148 children – from Washtenaw, Genesee, Ingham, Eaton and Clinton counties were hospitalized for influenza-related illnesses, according to MDHHS. (These five counties are part of the CDC's influenza hospitalization surveillance project, which provides population-based hospitalization rates.)

"Vaccines are our best protection" against the flu, said Swanson. "Everyone should be vaccinated and should do it every year."

Below is an interactive map showing Michigan 2017-18 vaccination rates by county for children under 18:

Then, a map shows the 2017-18 vaccination rates for 18 years old and over. In both maps, you can place your cursor over a county to see the underlying data.

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