Scientists have discovered first effects of imminent global catastrophe


Ченые обнаружили первые последствия надвигающейся глобальной катастрофы

Perennial ice persists for more than two years, is thicker than seasonal ice and sinks in the ocean. NASA has shown that much of the perennial Arctic ice cover was gone and had been replaced by a thin ice that melted during the warmer months. About this site reports the with a reference to Aspects

Perennial ice persists for more than two years, is thicker than seasonal ice and sinks in the ocean. It also contains less salt and is less prone to melting. The seasonal thickness of sea ice reaches about two meters and disappears almost in summer.

It is estimated that since 1958, the thickness of the ice cover has been divided by three, while the area of ​​eternal ice has decreased by two million square kilometers. According to scientists, in the future, the rate of thinning will be significantly reduced, but this will be due to the complete disappearance of thick ice, not to the cessation of climate change. On the contrary, the Arctic will become more vulnerable to an increase in the average temperature of water and air, harmful to natural ecosystems.

Earlier, on September 21, it was reported that an international group of scientists had discovered signs of instability of the Vavilov glacial complex, located on the North Land. The mobility of the ice caps increased dramatically and reached 25 meters per day in 2015, whereas it did not exceed a few centimeters per day in the middle of the last century.

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