Eric Reid calls Malcolm Jenkins "Sellout" after the confrontation


Eric Reid, the Carolina Panthers' security chief, who is known to have protested in the national anthem, has long and openly declared contempt for Philadelphia Eagles back defenseman Malcolm Jenkins. This animosity led to a confrontation on the field Sunday before the teams even played.

After the draw, Reid approached Jenkins near the midfield and the two men appeared to exchange heated words. Reid was finally mastered by teammate Torrey Smith. After the game, a 21-17 win for the Panthers, Reid said about Jenkins, "He's a soldier."

Reid, who joined Colin Kaepernick in protesting police brutality and social inequality of people of color in 2016 by kneeling in the national anthem preceding the games, disagrees with Jenkins since November 2017. It is at this point that Reid left the "Coalition of Players". Led by Jenkins and Anquan Boldin because he thought Jenkins was leading the players on the wrong path, accepting an offer from the NFL to make charitable donations in exchange for the end of the protests of the players on the field.

Jenkins, who had already raised his fist during the national anthem, ended his protest after the coalition secured nearly $ 90 million in funding for its causes. He briefly protested again in this year's preseason, but did not do so during the regular season.

"We think a lot of players should have taken Colin's defense," Reid told reporters, citing his belief that the players' agreement had failed because he did not carry the promise to bring Kaepernick back into the league. last one is still not signed). "I think Malcolm took advantage of the situation. He co-opted the movement launched by Colin for his organization to be funded. Is loose. He sold us. "

Jenkins, questioned about the confrontation, tried to avoid turning the situation into a war of words.

"I'm not going to get up here to say anything negative about this man," Jenkins said of Reid. "I respect him, I'm glad he has a job, I'm glad he's back in the league, I'll leave him like that."

Reid's aggressiveness, however, did not stop with the pre-game showdown. He seemed to play with extra intensity throughout the match. At one point, he attacked quarterback Carson Wentz well after handing over the ball. When Zach Ertz, the Eagles' aggressor, rushed to intervene on behalf of Wentz, Reid threw him to the ground.

"He ran on me," Reid said. "It's a football match. At each exchange, the quarterback is a half-off. "

Reid then justified his intensity by saying, "I think it's James Baldwin who said," To be black in America and to be relatively conscious, is to be in a state of constant anger. "I am in a state of anger."

Reid was only playing his third game with the Panthers after a difficult season during which he did not sign a contract when he was among the best guards available in N.F.L. A sixth-grade player from the state of Louisiana who competed in the Pro Bowl in 2013, Reid filed a grievance against N.F.L. stating that the owners of the team were associated to keep him out of his job. The grievance is still active.

Panthers coach Ron Rivera, who had stated that Reid was the best player on his roster to replace Da'N Norris Searcy when he was put on the injured list. Blocked by Reid after a game in which he had eight tackles, he almost intercepted a pass. the fourth quarter.

"As long as we're able to keep it under control – I do not even want to use that word" control "- but as long as we can try to calm him down so we can focus and get back to the situation. "Rivera said," I really appreciate the effort that he put to play the game. "

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