Elizabeth Warren says she's taken a DNA test to restore Americans' trust in the government


Sin. Elizabeth Warren said she passed a DNA test to prove her Native heritage in order to restore the confidence of citizens in the government.

When a moderator asked her, during her Sunday debate, why she had changed her mind and passed the DNA test, Warren, D-Mass., Said confidence in the government had reached its all-time low see the results. "I think one of the ways to restore trust is to use transparency," she said.

Warren released the results of a DNA test last week, revealing that she could have an Amerindian parent between six and ten generations back, which would place her between 1/64 and 1/1024.

Trump urged Warren to take a test by questioning his legacy, calling him "Pocahontas" and promising to donate $ 1 million to a charity of his choice if she had native blood.

The Republican state representative, Geoff Diehl, arrives at Warren's Senate seat this year, and he said in Sunday's debate that Warren had unfairly attempted to pose as a Native American to advance his career. .

"[The issue] does not concern Senator Warren's ancestors, but integrity in my mind, "said Diehl, according to the Associated Press. "And I do not care if you think you have benefited from this request or not, it is the fact that you have tried to benefit from this request which, I think, bothers a lot of people and that it is something you have not been able to put aside since the 2012 campaign. "

Diehl said he thought Warren no longer cared about being a Massachusetts senator and was only considering running for president.

"I do not care what percentage she claims to be Native American, it does not bother me that I'm 100% Massachusetts and that I will work for the people of this state," said Diehl, saying it was "obvious" that she did not do it. I do not want to be a senator. "[Warren’s] campaigns in states larger than Massachusetts. "

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