Trump: the United States will "start cutting" their aid to countries associated with the caravan of migrants


President TrumpDonald John Trump: Five Talks to Do Since Gillum and DeSantis' First Debate: GOP Warns the Economy Will Lose if Dems Takes It Gorbachev Calls Trump's Withdrawal from the Weapons Treaty "An Error" CONTINUED said Monday that the United States would start cutting or cutting back aid in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador while their citizens would flee for the United States as part of a "caravan" of migrants.

In a trio of tweets, the president stepped up his rhetoric about the group of migrants, declaring a national emergency as they approached the border and claiming without proof that "unknowns from the Middle East" had joined the group.

"Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador have not been able to prevent people from leaving their country and illegally going to the US We will now start cutting, or substantially reducing , the massive foreign aid that is regularly provided to them, "wrote Trump. in a tweet.

"Unfortunately, the Mexican police and military seem unable to stop the Caravan from heading south to the US Borders and criminals in the Middle East are mixed in. I have alerted the patrolmen and the military on the fact that it was a national emergence … change the laws! "

Trump had previously threatened to cut aid to these countries if they did nothing to prevent their citizens from fleeing. It is unclear whether Trump will take unilateral action to reduce foreign aid, because Congress must not return to Washington before the midterm elections.

Experts noted that human rights laws restrict the actions that a government can take to prevent its citizens from leaving its borders.

Trump's suggestion that people from the Middle East joined the group came shortly after a guest of "Fox & Friends" lifted the spectrum ISIS fighters integrating into the group. The guest, Peter Hegseth, quoted citations attributed to Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales, but acknowledged that these claims had not been verified.

The president is known for watching the show regularly and often comments segments on Twitter.

For days, Trump has called the horde caravan of Democratic-bound criminals without providing any proof of his claims.

"Whenever you see a caravan or people illegally entering or attempting to enter our country illegally, think of the Democrats and blame them for not giving us the votes needed to change our immigration laws. pathetic! Do not forget the Midterms! So unfair to those who come legally, "tweeted Trump on Monday.

The caravan of thousands of people arrived in Mexico this weekend, continuing their journey to the US border seeking asylum.

According to the Associated Press, the group has grown to nearly 5,000 people after an initial group of 2,000 people crossed the border between Guatemala and Mexico rather than waiting for treatment. their asylum application.

The president called on the caravan to fear an influx of illegal immigrants and to blame the Democrats for not adopting more stringent immigration laws, despite Republican control of both houses of Congress.

Trump last week warned that he could take military measures to prevent immigrants from crossing the southern border if Mexico did not take steps to put an end to "the attack".

A series of bipartisan immigration bills failed to garner enough votes in the Senate earlier this year, including a bill backed by the White House.

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