Bill Belichick announces clearly that patriots are ready to negotiate | Patriots of New England


What you can expect to find at the end of October in New England: the leaves turning, the temperature gradually decreasing and the Patriots depart.

Bill Belichick's club is one of the most active clubs in the NFL before trade expires, with close-term contracts in five of the last six years.

These past two seasons, these contracts have been successful: sending starting linebacker Jamie Collins to the Cleveland Brown in 2016 and the exchange of the quarterback of the future Jimmy Garoppolo against a second of the San Francisco 49ers Halloween last round choice.

And there is a good chance this trend will continue this year.

While there were only eight days left before the 2018 trading deadline on October 30, Belichick made it clear that his team was more than willing to receive commercial offers.

"As you know, an exchange is a two-way street, so you have to have a trading partner," said Monday the Patriots coach at "Ordway, Merloni & Fauria". "But in our case, the other 31 teams – probably excluding those from our division that we're probably not going to deal with – but the other teams in the league, I think they know." that we are willing to exchange.

"If they have a player for any reason, they want to trade, in all honesty, we usually get a call because we are a team that negotiates. There are teams that do, others who do not. I am not saying that we will do a lot of exchanges, but if the situation were good, we would certainly consider it. We did our part, so I would say that in most cases we hear the teams if they have a player who is generating interest. "

Belichick, whose list of upcoming acquisitions includes 2012 Aqib Talib cornerback defensive tackle Isaac Sopoaga in 2013, linebackers Jonathan Casillas and Akeem Ayers in 2014 and linebacker Kyle Van Noy in 2016, said that In most cases, other teams contact the Patriots with players looking to move. This is not always the case, however.

"Sometimes we initiate it according to all the circumstances," explained Belichick. "Usually we hear from other people. Unless we identify something that we feel we do not consider, but if you put something on the table, maybe they would consider it. Some situations could arise in this way.

The Patriots need depth in the race following Sony Michel's knee injury Sunday – which, although he did not seem to have ended the season, could keep him out for some time weeks – and would also benefit from the addition of a linebacker or additional defensive end. They also reportedly showed interest in trading Patrick Peterson, a three-time pro cornerback, who wants to leave Arizona after more than seven seasons with the Cardinals.

New England does not need much help from the cornerback, but the addition of a player of Peterson's caliber would give an undeniable boost to his struggling defense.

"Sometimes these trades are very nearsighted," said Belichick, speaking in general terms about the timing movements. "They only last a few weeks. Like when we traded for Talib. It was really only for eight games. We were able to sign it again, but we did not know it at that time. …

"Certainly, we've heard teams say," Hey, would you be interested in so-and-so? "We're not ready to do anything now, but maybe when we get closer to the deadline, we'll see how deep we are." There's a lot of that.

Photo thumbnail via Mike DiNovo / USA TODAY Sports Images

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